When writing a story you need to choose a ‘voice’ that will narrate the story. The most commonly used are first person narration and third person narration.

1st person narration is when you use “I” when telling a story.

e.g: It was already dark when the taxi dropped me off. I saw the dog from a mile away sleeping on the street. I knew it was a vicious dog that mercilessly attacked anything that moved. It was usually kept on a leash but somehow today it was loose. I stopped; my heart was pounding. I gathered my courage and decided to brave it out with the beast rather than taking the long route home.

3rd person narration is when the writer uses pronouns, “he, she or it.”

e.g It was already dark when the taxi dropped Jabu off. He saw the dog from a mile away sleeping on the street. He knew it was a vicious dog that mercilessly attacked anything that moved. He stopped; his heart was pounding. He gathered his courage and decided to brave it out with the beast rather than taking the long route home.

Note: Be careful not to switch between first person and third person narration in the same story as it gets confusing for the readers.
