Thuli, dressed in oversized pajamas, rushes into the living room. She seems anxious, fragile and emotionally unstable. She begins searching for something. Then she realizes she isn’t alone: Dumi and Lebo are embracing.

THULI: (anxious) Hey, did you see Mr Snuggles? Someone took him … I know it. Did you take him? Palesa can’t sleep without him and it’s her nap time now. Have you seen him?

DUMI: (letting his wife go) Of course not Thulz. We wouldn’t, uhh, take Mr Snuggles. Baby, why don’t you help Thuli look for Palesa’s toy? I’m going to take a shower.

Dumi squeezes her shoulders, gives Thuli an awkward hug, and leaves the room.

THULI: (Smiles weakly, focusing her attention on finding the stuffed animal, mumbling.) I have to find him … she can’t sleep without him …

LEBO: (Looking at her with deep sadness and sympathy, she begins to help Thuli search.) Hey hon, are you okay?

THULI: (not looking at Lebo) I am fine. I just need to find Mr Snuggles.

Lebo crouches, sees the stuffed toy animal under a dining room chair. She walks over, bends to pick it up. Then, looking down at it, she takes a deep breath, preparing to say something difficult.

LEBO: Here he is, sweetie. (Thuli grabs it and holds it close for a long time.) Come sit with me.

Lebo leads her to the couch, they sit and she takes the stuffed animal from Thuli’s reluctant grip.

LEBO: Thuli, look at me. Do you know where you are?

THULI: (confused) I’m at home. (Anxiously looking around, delusional.) Where is Palesa? I can’t hear her … haven’t seen her all morning. Lebo, where is my baby?

LEBO: (Tears in her eyes) She passed away last year, don’t you remember? There was an accident …

Agnes walks in, notices what is happening, and quickly sits next to her friends.

THULI: (Grabs the stuffed animal and holds it close to her) No … no … no that isn’t true. (She begins to rock back and forth, muttering softly to herself.)

AGNES: (Puts her arm around Thuli.) Thuli honey, your doctor said this is your way of grieving. So don’t be frightened – you just momentarily forgot what happened. (Slowly takes the stuffed animal.) Do you want to talk about it? Or can I get you something to eat?

THULI: (Tears streaming, as she slowly realizes what her friends are saying. Now she is more stable.) I wish I could reverse time. I still think about our crazy, carefree varsity days. The over-the-top parties Lebo hosted for her media buddies, that almost got us thrown out our apartment.

AGNES: Oh my gosh – varsity was crazy! Remember our hangover study sessions? That ended with us passed out in the living room, all thanks to Lebo’s crazy parties or nights out?

LEBO: Hey! Why are you guys making me out to be the party animal? Agnes you danced on tables … and Thuli you could get any guy to buy us a free round of drinks. We all had a wild side in varsity.

AGNES: I am not proud of my drunk table dancing, but we did have tons of fun back then. I think it’s a good thing we got married. It calmed us down a little. No more shenanigans! (They all burst out laughing.)

LEBO: (Phone rings; she gets up to answer.) Excuse me girls. Lebo Khoza, hello. (listens) No, that’s not the footage I signed off on. (listens) No, are you at the studio? Okay, I am on my way. (hangs up) Hey Thuli, Agnes, please tell Dumi I left early and I’ll see him later.

THULI & AGNES: Sure! (Lebo kisses each on the cheek and leaves.)

THULI: Varsity was amazing. I was so happy … (Puts her head on Agnes’ shoulder.) Why can’t I be happy again? I am in so much pain.

Thuli and Agnes sit in silence.


Tell us what you think: What might help Thuli to accept what has happened, and recover more from her child’s death?