Everyone is giggling and is now crowded around Martha.
Marcus: Who knew Johnny was such a hopeless romantic?
Lena: Well, he was always very affectionate?
Marcus: Really?
Martha: Yes, he was such a sweet boy. Always so worried about me and you kids.
Marcus: I don’t remember that.
Martha: You two were very young.
Lena: Yeah, I guess I remember Johnny as quiet. But I’m sure he would have told us if he had gone off and gotten married.
Marcus: Well, I guess that’s a bit more believable than the circus.
Lena: Oh, and the army was believable.
Daphne: How come you guys don’t know?
Zoe: Yeah. And my dad leaving…is that why I have my mom’s last name, ‘cause he joined the circus or ran off and got married?
Annie walks back in.
Annie: The circus, got married, what on earth are you talking about?
Lena: We were just telling the kids a bit about the good old days.
Marcus: Oh come now, Zoe is old enough to know why her dad left. He joined the army, that’s why he didn’t go to university.
Lena: Marcus, really, that again?
Marcus: What? If he had gone to university and not been all stuck up and eager to run off to play hero he would have a better job. Then he wouldn’t always be so strapped for cash. That’s what Dad used to say.
Annie: Dad?
Lena: Yeah, but Dad said if he had been more reasonable then he would have had a better education. ‘Cause he would have been under his roof learning to be a real man not acting stupid and running off like a fool.
Annie: Wow, you all have no idea what really happened back then. You think our brother left to join the army or the circus or get married. For heaven’s sake. Mom, tell them the truth.
Everyone looks at Martha, who is growing uncomfortable.
Martha: Johnny left because…
Annie: Because Dad beat you black and blue and Johnny begged you to leave him.
Marcus and Lena: What?
Tell us: Did you see this plot twist coming? What do you think will happen next?