(Nandi dials Sihle’s number)

Sihle: Hello friend.

(There’s silence)

Sihle: My friend?

Nandi: (Sniffles)

Sihle: Nandi! Are you crying?

Nandi:(Audibly crying)

Sihle: Why are you crying? What’s wrong? You are stressing me, please answer.

Nandi: (Stuttering) He…he…he

Sihle: I can’t hear you, what’s happening?

Nandi: He left! (Crying)

Sihle: Who left?

Nandi: Senzo. Senzo left me. (screams) He broke up with me.

Sihle: (sympathetically) Oh my friend, I’m so sorry.


Sihle: Calm down friend, everything is going to be all right.

Nandi: How friend? How? You know that I am nothing without Senzo. How is everything going to be all right then?

Sihle: I don’t know friend, but I know that this too shall pass. Wait…why did he break up with you?

Nandi: (Sniffling) He said we are no longer compatible with each other.

Sihle: What? Is he crazy? Did you try talking to him about it?

Nandi: I tried he doesn’t want to listen. I even went to his workplace today and tried talking to him, but he didn’t want to listen. Instead, he blocked me and asked security guards to escort me.

Sihle: Stay away from him friend, he doesn’t deserve you.

Nandi: It’s not as easy as you think it is.

Sihle: You must force yourself to move on my friend, you can’t keep holding on to someone who doesn’t love you anymore.

Nandi: You are not helping me Sihle, I’ll talk to you someday.

(Nandi hangs up)