Narrator: Keitumetse has been rigged up with a hidden recording device. Dave, Gorata’s friend, is outside listening to the conversation. The police are ready to jump in when they get the evidence that they need to arrest Letsholo. Keitumetse knocks on Letsholo’s door.

Letsholo: Come in! Oh it’s you, Keitumetse, come in. Close the door behind you.

Narrator: He comes around the door and kisses her. She smiles, trying to be cooperative, for now, knowing what’s going to happen.

Keitumetse: Letsholo, so now that you’ve sorted the tender for me, explain to me about how this goes.

Letsholo: They will give you a payment for getting started. It’s about R200 000. You can give me R100 000 of that money.

Keitumetse: R100 000? Isn’t that a lot? I need to run my business too.

Letsholo: Remember, Babe, you wouldn’t have got this tender without me. I made sure that yours was chosen; now you need to repay me for that. That’s how this works.

Keitumetse: So it’s a kickback, a bribe?

Letsholo: Let’s call it a ‘thank-you’ for a job well done.

Narrator: Just as Letsholo is taking Keitumetse’s hand and pulling her to the sofa in the corner, the office door bursts open. Police fill the room. One steps forward and arrests Letsholo.

Letsholo: (Looking back at Keitumetse as he’s being taken out of the room in handcuffs) What did you do?

Keitumetse: Nothing. I was just repaying you, that’s all.