Narrator: It’s a sunny day and Gorata and Keitumetse have taken Toto to the park. Gorata is pushing the small girl on the swing.

Keitumetse: So, Lesego moved out.

Gorata: I’m sorry to hear that, Keitumetse.

Keitumetse: Yeah … well, maybe it’s for the better. We’re just too different. We see the world differently … want different things from life. I think it’s better.

Gorata: Still.

Keitumetse: Yeah, it will take a while to get over it. But Dave called. There won’t be a trial. Letsholo plead guilty. He’s off to jail for five years.

Gorata: Better. One point for the good guys.

Keitumetse: They’re investigating all the tenders at Intel now. It looks like he’ll face quite a few more charges. Surprisingly, he’s cooperating with them.

Gorata: Maybe he thinks they’ll find out everything anyway. He might as well get it over with quickly.

Keitumetse: Maybe.

Gorata: It took courage for you to do what you did. You should be proud of yourself.

Keitumetse: Yes, well, I took a bit of time to see the right path. At least I eventually found my way back. I have some more good news though.

Gorata: What?

Keitumetse: We got a contract for cleaning that private clinic over in Sunnyside West.

Gorata: Really? That’s great.

Keitumetse: I guess this whole thing taught me to have some faith in myself. I think Supreme Clean will be okay after all.

Gorata: I knew you’d find a way. I think we need to celebrate. How about going out dancing?

Keitumetse: Okay – but I don’t want any more free drinks!

Gorata: (Laughing) I’m with you on that one!


Tell us: Keitumetse said that once she agreed to the bribe, she put herself in a kind of ‘prison’. Can you explain what she means?

Do you think, in a country like ours with such high unemployment, that her actions were totally wrong?  Were her actions selfishly motivated?

Do you think Lesego is a generally dishonest person, for accepting that ‘this is the way it is’ about bribery, and telling Keitumetse to pay the bribe?  

What role did gender dynamics play in Keitumetse’s dealings with Letsholo?