The next night, Mom receives a call to say that both Uncle Jesse and Cleo have been rushed to hospital and put on high-flow oxygen.

Mom: Lena, sweetheart, your aunt and uncle are both in hospital on high-flow oxygen. Please don’t go out tonight. I’d rather you stay safe at home. Oh, and the girls might come and stay here for a bit. Aunt Sarah is looking after them for a bit.

Lena: Urgh, (sighs and rolls her eyes) fine.

Mom: And keep them in your prayers.

Lena ignores her mother and gets back to her phone. Lena’s mom goes back to her room.

Mom: Dear God, I know it’s been a while, but please, I need Your help. My brother and his wife are struggling. Please protect them.

Lena overhears her mother praying, and for a moment she softens and looks sad. Lena quickly shakes off her sadness. She looks at her phone once more and then again. She feels a wave of sadness and vulnerability. She puts her phone down.

Lena: Ah, he’ll be fine. (She picks up her phone again. Puts it down once more. She sighs.) God, please heal my uncle and make sure he comes out of hospital alive. I need this.