Mom: Lena, I’m going to fetch the girls, OK? They’ll be staying here for a bit.

Lena: WHY?

Mom: Because Aunty Sarah can’t look after them any more. She has kids of her own.

Lena: Why can’t they just stay at Aunty Sarah’s house?

Mom: Because they need to go to school. Lena, please stop arguing with me.

Lena: (sighs) Why are they coming to stay here? The hospital phoned days ago to say Uncle Jesse was doing better. He should be going home soon.

Mom ignores Lena and leaves. Lena cleans her room angrily while she mocks the girls.

Lena: (mockingly) Hi, Aunty Sil! We love you, Aunty Sil! We’re Aunty Sil’s babies! Aunty Sil, are we going to get surprises today? Look Aunty Sil, I came first in my class for maths!

Lena takes her pillow and throws it onto her bed.

Lena: Please keep my uncle safe and bring him home. His kids are already driving me insane and they’re not even here yet. Please keep him alive.

Tell us: Can you relate to how Lena is feeling? Why do you think she’s behaving this way?