Lena sits in her room eavesdropping on the conversation her mom’s having on the phone with her friend. The girls can be heard playing in the background.

Mom: (on the phone) He’s not doing well. They’ve had to put him on a ventilator. There’s really nothing more they can do other than monitor him. He’s been going downhill for a week now.

Once Lena hears this, her breathing quickens and she grows cold.

Lena: Please keep him safe and bring him home. Home as in earth, not wherever you go after earth. I feel like I have to be really specific because my words can easily be misinterpreted. Ever since I read the cover of the Goosebumps book, Be Careful What You Wish For, I’m very cautious about what I put into the universe. Maybe the message was different inside the book. I don’t know. I never actually read it. Anyway, please keep him alive. Oh yes, and please keep those girls out of my way. I’m ready to punch one of them. They’re too noisy, talkative, and they’re just everywhere. I can’t deal.

Mom enters Lena’s room.

Mom: Hey, so your uncle’s not doing so well.

Lena: Oh OK.

Mom sighs and ignores Lena’s dead reaction.

Mom: Anyway, be nice to the girls, OK. They’re only children. And they miss their parents.

Lena: Yes, Mother, I’ll be nice.

Mom leaves and Lena picks up her squishy avo pillow and begins to pick at the baubles.

Lena: (mockingly) Be nice. They’re only children. Urgh. I am a nice person. I’m very nice to them. Apparently, I lack compassion and empathy. Well, if it’s an emotionless rock they want, I’ll give it to them.

Lena looks down and sees that she’s picked off a bauble, made a hole in the pillow, and  pulled out some of the stuffing.  

Lena: Hmm…oops.

Tell us: What do you think will happen next?