Early evening at Ska Bhora Moreki Tavern. Kabza De Small, Ami Faku and DJ Maphorisa’s “Abalele” is blaring from the tavern’s formidable speakers. Thato is sitting on his own at a table when he sees his best friend Papi. 

THATO: (shouting over the music) Hey! Papi?! Is it really you? 

PAPI: (shouting back)  Thato! (He continues shouting as he hurries over to Thato’s table.) My bra van toeka af!

THATO: Damn right! Who else would put up with your nonsense? (He laughs heartily as he stands up to greet Papi.)

PAPI: No one but you brother, no one but you. (He hugs Thato.) How the hell are you? When did you land?

THATO: (leaning over to him) I’m well my brother! How have you been? Wait… what do you mean land?

PAPI: Well, the way you drive, you might as well be a pilot! (laughing loudly over the dying music)

THATO: (throwing his head back with laughter) You are so full of it, even after all these years!

PAPI: Talking about being full of it, wasn’t it you who once soiled your pants that one year when an eighteen-wheeler truck rumbled into a single lane bridge, forcing you to either send us over the bridge or reverse out of there fast?

THATO: Oh shut up! (He roars with laughter, almost tipping over the table.) That was almost a decade ago! I was young and stupid.

PAPI: (Laughing, he pulls his friend in close.) Yeah, and the only difference now is your age.

Thato and Papi laugh hysterically.

PAPI: Where’s that drunk Tsietsi? (He takes a swig of beer.)

THATO: He’s the one who dragged me here. I saw him disappear about half an hour ago with his hand on some woman’s ample bum.

PAPI: Let me guess, he had a bottle in the other hand and said “I’ll be back in two shakes of a duck’s tail”?

THATO: (Laughs) Yep!

PAPI: Some things will never change.

A loud cheer goes up from a group of rowdy women as Mafikizolo’s “Ndihamba Nawe” starts to play.

PAPI: (He grabs Thato’s hand and shouts.) Let’s get out of here so that we can talk without destroying our vocal cords!

Tell us: what sound track would you choose as background music for a night out with your best friends?