As they were preparing to leave, Lunga’s cell phone pinged as it received a message. He glanced down and saw that it was from Josie. He frowned. She had sent him countless messages over the last few days and he had ignored them all.

Now, as his shift was about to change, he organised with Busi that he would visit her at her home. He was nervous at the thought of meeting Busi’s mother, but Busi had assured him that everything was going to be alright.

They parted warmly, and Lunga moved to his post behind the coffee machine. He completed his first few cappuccinos and then took out his phone. He opened the message that Josie had sent.

Please don’t keep ignoring me. What I have to tell you will not go away. Please, Lunga.

Lunga slid his phone into the pocket of his jeans and tried not to think about anything but Busi for the rest of his shift.

After work he went back to his room to change. He was just putting his key in the lock when Aunty Sylvie opened her back door and called to him.

“You’d better come in here first, Lunga. There are people here who have been waiting for you all afternoon.”

Puzzled, Lunga followed her inside. She led him through to her living room.

“Hello, Lunga,” said Josie.

Lunga stopped dead in his tracks. Josie was sitting on Aunty Sylvie’s sofa, and drinking from one of her smooth, caramel-coloured breasts was a very small, very contented baby.

“Of course she is yours,” said Josie a few seconds later.

Aunty Sylvie was leaning against the wall of her sitting room, with her arms folded, clicking her tongue.

“You can have the test to check, please do, but I know that she is yours,” said Josie.

Lunga collapsed onto one of the sofas and put his head in his hands.

“Don’t worry, Lunga. I haven’t come to cause trouble. I just wanted you to know. She deserves to be known. She is very beautiful, don’t you think?”

Lunga’s head was spinning. He nodded vaguely. Josi moved over to him and placed the now sleeping baby girl in his arms. Lunga looked down at the child and he knew. He knew that she was his and that she was beautiful, but all he could think about was Busi.


Tell us what you think: What do you think Lunga will do now? Should he tell Busi?