A tiny, folded-up piece of paper hits my desk as I’m flipping through my file.

So now they’re sending notes because they know I’m off social media. I should just sweep it off my desk, on to the floor, but of course I have to torture myself and read it. I unfold it while Ms Zwane has her back turned, writing on the board.

You’re not alone.

It’s in green ballpoint, and the handwriting is super-neat.

I’m not sure what it means, but it’s like one of the thousand needles sticking in my heart has been removed. I refold the note and hold it tight in my left hand, as if it’s a sort of charm that can help me through this dark time.

It can’t save me from the boy who grabs me when we come out of maths. He’s much taller than me, and muscular, so I can’t get away when he forces his disgusting mouth against mine. It’s so revolting, I think I’m going to be sick.

“Hey, back off, creep.” Shiluva’s voice is loud and clear as she whacks him with her bag, and he lets me go so he can turn on her.

“You want a turn?” he asks her. “Judge someone by their friends, they say. You the same as her?”

“Let’s go.” As I grab Shiluva’s arm, I see Dambisa and his friends nearby, grinning like they’re enjoying watching.

“You have to report it now,” Shiluva says as I get my water bottle out of my bag to rinse my mouth.

“Especially now they’re targeting you,” I agree, after spitting out the water. “You don’t have to hang with me, meichomi. This is on me; it shouldn’t touch you.”

“Talk kak.” Shiluva shakes her head so hard, her sistalocs bounce. “I’m not letting you go through this alone. Sisters need to stand together when boys are being trash like this. I say Unandi and her girls are traitors.”

“What about Jasmine?” I ask because I know Shiluva still spends time with her when she’s not with me.

“Jazz has got her own problems. Seriously Lamulile, she’s having a tough time with Frank.”

“So maybe you should go support her then.” I know how I sound, but I’m still hurt by the way Jasmine blamed me for Frank’s behaviour. “I’ll be okay.”

“Talk more kak. I’m not deserting either one of you, so I’ll just have to split myself between the two of you until … until whenever, whatever. Until all this stops, and until Jasmine realises Frank is just another trash boy.”

“You think all boys are trash?” I ask her. “I mean, you had serious boyfriends long before Jazz and me, but now you don’t seem so interested in boys.”

She laughs. “Maybe starting so young, I’ve learned to be a bit picky by now. Hey, there’s Mrs Mzimbe off to the staffroom. Quick, go catch her now, if you want to report what’s happening.”


Tell us what you think: Should Shiluva continue to support Jasmine, or call her out for blaming Lamulile and not dumping Frank?