The two of them sat in silence and the ticking of a clock on the kitchen wall grew louder and louder.

“So what now, Naledi? Are you going to be like her? Because she was just as gifted as you are, you know? Our mother did what she did to put bread on the table for us. But she … she always had a choice. Even after you were born, she still had choices. Our mother looked after you, and then I took you. Even though I was young myself – only thirty. But successful. Yes, I was always successful. She could have been as well.”

“She thinks she is,” said Naledi softly. “This morning she …”

“You saw her this morning?” asked Naledi’s uncle, and she could hear the anger in his voice.

“I had to, Uncle. I’ve been feeling so confused.” Naledi shook her head. She could feel tears welling up and she looked at her uncle as he stood up. “I’m sorry, Uncle.”

“I have done everything I can for you, Naledi,” he said, moving towards the door. “I have provided for you and loved you as if you were my own child.”

“But I was always different,” said Naledi. “I needed to find out. I needed to know.”

“Yes, yes,” said her uncle, opening the front door and moving out onto the staircase. “Well, now you do Naledi. Now you know. And you are still the same person you ever were.”

“It doesn’t feel like that,” said Naledi. Tears had begun to spill over her lashes and down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Naledi,” said her uncle, retreating from her down the stairs, “there is nothing more I can do for you.”

Naledi heard a sob break through her lips, and she put up a hand to stop it. Down below she heard her uncle pulling open the front door. She heard voices, and then quick and heavy steps on the stairs, coming up towards her.

Naledi moved to the edge of the landing and looked down the stairwell. The footsteps paused, and a face looked up.


“Naledi,” he called out, “wait there. I just saw Jack, and he told me everything. Wait there. I want to talk to you.”


Tell us: Why did her uncle take so long to tell Naledi the truth? Why do you think she feels the way she does?