In the half-dark of the guest room, half-dazed by sleep, I sit up and whisper, “DK? What are you doing here? Are you crazy?”

“It’s okay, Jane,” he whispers back. And I can smell the wine on his breath. “Don’t worry your pretty little head. Shalani is out like a light after all the wine she consumed. She won’t know a thing.”

“Go away, DK. I mean it. Get out now!”

But instead he sits down on the bed beside me and pats my leg through the duvet. Is he drunk? He doesn’t sound drunk.

“I’m warning you, DK. I’m going to scream unless you leave right now.”

He just laughs. No, he definitely doesn’t sound drunk. He sounds as though he is in perfect control.

“You won’t scream, Jane. No chance. You care too much about Shalani to risk upsetting her.”

He’s right, of course. If I scream, Shalani will come running, no matter how much wine she had at the event. And if she sees DK here, like this, she will be devastated. How can I do that to her?

“And besides, Jane, just think of how much I can do for you. You be good to me and I’ll be good to you, you get my drift? I’m not looking for a one-night stand. I’m thinking more about a long-term relationship. What I said in the car was true; you were always the one I fancied most at school. You were always the one I wanted.”

He is sliding his hand up my leg, using his other hand to tug at the duvet. But I grab it, hold it tight over my chest.

“I look after my women well, Jane. I can set you and little Leila up in a nice apartment, much better than that awful dump you have now. I’ll get you a car. Hell, I’ll sort you out with an easy, mornings-only job if you are keen to keep working. But it will be up to you. You can be a lady of leisure, like your friend, if that’s what you want.”

Am I tempted? I’d be lying if I say I’m not tempted. I imagine myself staying home all day, taking care of my little girl, instead of having to leave her at day-care. How wonderful that would be. How happy Leila would be!

I’d never have to deal with Pritch the Bitch, not ever again. And I’d never have to deal with piles of bills on my kitchen table, stressing me out. I could live the kind of life Shalani leads …

“And Shalani will never suspect. You don’t have to worry about her. Trust me, I’ve never been caught out. So what do you say, Jane? Do we have a deal?” And yes, in that moment, DK sounds like a business man with a business proposal.

But no, the price is too high. How will I ever hold my head up if I become a kept woman? How will I ever be able to teach Leila good values if I prostitute myself like this?

“Forget it, DK. There’s no way I would ever …”

He gets up then, shakes his head at me. “Well, I’m not going to beg. It’s your loss, Jane. I have girls lining up who would jump at my offer.”

I can’t go back to sleep after that. I lie shivering in the guest room, even though the duvet is warm. And as soon as it’s light, I get dressed, get Leila dressed and we quietly leave the house.

The twins and DK are still fast asleep. So is my friend, Shalani – fast asleep, as if all is good and safe in her world.


Tell us what you think: Should Jane tell her friend about DK’s proposal? Why or why not?