UDumi uyinsizwa ezithulelayo, enamahloni, futhi ufunda ngomfundaze. Ufuna isimomondiya esingu Alexa afunda naso sichazeke ngaye. Kodwa ukuzama kwakhe ukuthi agqame ku Alexa akuhambi kahle ngoba nali ihlaya abethi ulivezela u Alexa kuphela libhebhetheka kwi internet. Manje kubukeka ngathi iphutha elincane lizoshabalalisa okuniningi empilweni kaDumi…
This story is available in English: But I Never Meant…
This is the sixth story in our ‘Rights’ project that uses stories to illustrate and bring to life the ‘Bill of Rights’. Find out more about our Constitution and Bill of Rights with our It’s Your Right Handbook and the Freedom of Expression handbook