“The silver moon monster? Never heard of him!” Maxwell said.

So Flossie explained: the silver moon monster flew on silver wings that stretched out wider than a tree. He flew out from the light of the moon, his dark shadow sweeping along the ground. He flew in terrible silence; searching, searching for little mice. And then he grabbed them with his sharp talons and carried them away into the darkness – forever!

Maxwell shook his head and let out another deep, furry laugh. “Hawu! That’s not a monster! That’s just an owl. He’s not silver at all; he’s just a dull brown colour. Who’s scared of a boring old owl?”

“Eish! Don’t say that!” squeaked Flossie in alarm. “Maybe the silver moon monster hunts for moths as well!”

“Ha!” said Maxwell confidently. “I’d like to see him try!”

Just then, something moved in the air above them. Flossie looked up to see a huge silver shape flying down from the light of the moon. Two huge silver wings spread wide, casting a dark shadow across the tree roots.

Flossie was too terrified to move. She closed her little eyes tightly as the whooshing sound came closer … and closer. She knew what was going to happen next. All her most terrible nightmares were about to come true.

Suddenly there was a loud, ugly screech, then a flurry of huge wings. And then silence.

“You can open your eyes now,” said Maxwell.

Flossie opened her eyes to see the owl disappearing over the treetops.

“What happened?” she asked in amazement. “Why did the moon monster fly away?”

Maxwell was very pleased with himself. “It’s the patterns on my wings. The owl thought they were eyes – just like you did. And just like you, he thought anyone with such gigantic eyes must be a huge creature. He got quite a fright, let me tell you! Did you hear how he screeched?”

“How clever!” said Flossie.

“Yes, I am, aren’t I?” agreed Maxwell. “Now you just sleep here close to me. You’ll be safe until sunrise.”

So Flossie snuggled up amongst the roots of the tree. Soon she was fast asleep. And she didn’t dream about the silver moon monster at all. Not once.

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