There was only one thing that troubled her, and that was that the Morning Glory Ladies were still angry with her. For Little Freckle Frog wanted to be friendly with everybody.

But at last another idea came into her head. She would give a party herself, just as beautiful a one as Robin Redbreast’s, and have it early in the morning so that the Morning Glory Ladies could come.

So that very evening, before she went home, she told Big Mary all about it, and Big Mary promised to help all she could. Robin Redbreast said that he would surely come, and so did Billy Bullfrog and all the rest. Freckle Frog invited Little Black Spider, too, and even the little white caterpillar. “And you needn’t be a muff this time,” she said, “but just eat cherries, and have a good time.”

Then, early the next morning, before any one else was up, she went to invite the Morning Glory Ladies, for they are always good-natured then, and never frown and scowl at people until the sun is hot.

“Please, dear Morning Glory Ladies,” said Freckle Frog, “will you come to my party? I want you more than any one else.”

Then the Morning Glory Ladies fluttered with joy, for they loved parties, and they smiled and answered her: “Yes, indeed, we shall come, Little Freckle Frog, and wear our best dresses, too.”

Then at last Freckle Frog was perfectly happy, and she laughed to herself and said:

“It really doesn’t matter about my being pretty anymore, for everyone likes me now!”
