So I guess this is how it feels to be alive, hey… Feeling alive is waking up on a Monday morning ready to take on the world.

Under normal circumstances (i.e. the boring drudgery that’s supposed to be my life), Monday mornings are a torture.

At home, I usually spend some time, an hour or so, in bed trying to convince myself to wake up. But I, instead, find a millions reasons to stay in bed, and bunk all my morning classes. And if I do wake up, disobeying my instincts, something bad is bound to happen. I don’t like Mondays particularly.

You can’t blame me, hey. You know Mondays are a drag, right?

Well, not all Mondays it seems… I’m feeling energetic today. I guess it’s the change of atmosphere that’s having an effect on my moods. Usually on Mondays I’m very grumpy, angry at everyone that God felt the need to invent Mondays and government felt the need to build schools that start on Mondays.

Today is a complete different Monday though. Everything is so different. The birds outside are chirping melodiously. This morning two tiny doves came to sit on my window sill and tried to make love. I couldn’t help but wonder if in their birdly-world love-making is as stigmatised as it is in our world. I thought about that for a while, trying to form a ‘sex before marriage is a sin’ equivalent for birds proved a fruitless exercise.

I’m settling in quite well with Noxy and her furry cat, Sadie. There’s no mom to yell at me to wake up; and, definitely, no Avela who baths for an hour, that is until the hot water runs out.

Well, I’m sure you want to know what there is, right? As I mentioned, there is Noxy and the cat, and peace and life. When I woke up this morning, I woke up to the sound of chirping birds and the rough crash of sea waves, and, above all else, tranquillity and quietude.

I felt alive.

Well, I’m so over yesterday, I’m not even hurt by mom’s silence anymore. For all I care, she can take the shortest shortcut to hell… I don’t mean that, right?

Quite frankly, I do. I’m so done with bothering myself about people who don’t really give a toss about me.

ZZ xxx

Dish it: How’s the morning for you?