“You girls, there’s more to life than dances, you know,” Lelethu’s aunt moaned as Lelethu and Pholisa helped Bontle get ready for the college dance. But Lelethu could see that she was proud of her daughter. “I’m going to borrow Sis Thandi’s camera. I’ll be back soon.”

“Thanks, Mama,” Bontle called as she went out. Bontle turned to Lelethu. “I don’t think she would have let me go if you hadn’t come to stay with us. She’s changed.”

Thank goodness for that, Lelethu thought. It was true. Her aunt had softened in the last week, and Lelethu had overheard many late-night conversations between her and her sister, Lelethu’s mother. She was still often rude and cross, but now she treated Lelethu more like a daughter of her own.

“Here, let me help you with that.” Pholisa adjusted the bow on the front of Bontle’s dress. “You look gor-geous. I can do your make-up for you if you like.”

“She’s got real talent,” said Lelethu, as Bontle looked doubtful. “You’re as bad as everyone else in the city. Just because we’re from a village doesn’t mean we don’t know how to look good!”

They all laughed. Lelethu watched as Pholisa did Bontle’s face. “Make yourself useful,” said Bontle. “Make us some juice.”

“Stop ordering me around,” joked Lelethu as she went to the fridge. “You’d better drink before we get your lipstick on.”

Her aunt came back in. “Photos!” she cried. Bontle had to stand in the kitchen, in the yard, sit in a chair inside, sit on a chair outside, smile, laugh, look serious, as her mother clicked away.

“Lelethu, you take them,” said Bontle.

Hayi, wena, don’t you trust me?” said her mother. “No, no, Lelethu, Pholisa, go in too. Come on, hurry up, we need the dress and make-up artists in some pictures.”

Lelethu put one arm behind Bontle and one behind Pholisa. She felt a warm glow. Who could believe things had been so difficult a few weeks before?

“You can stop smiling now,” said Pholisa. “She’s stopped taking photos.”

“But I’m so happy!” replied Lelethu. “I can’t believe how happy I feel.”

“Crazy girl,” said her aunt. “One day happy, next day sad, another day putting naked photos all over Faceback.” But she was smiling.

“It’s Facebook, Ma, and anyway it wasn’t Facebook, it was –”

But her mother wasn’t listening. “Be careful, Bontle, do not spill juice on that dress. How many times have I told you to be careful!”

Finally Siyabonga arrived, shining in a suit and blue tie. He bowed to them all. “Good evening, Mama; good evening, lovely ladies,” he said. His eyes fixed on Bontle. “You look – you look beautiful!”

She blushed, and he took her on his arm and escorted her out as Auntie shouted instructions about times to return and cell phone messages every hour. When all the flurry was over, Auntie dabbed her eyes. “One day it will be you too, Lelethu, you just wait.”

But Lelethu wasn’t thinking about boys right then. She was thinking about friends, and what made true ones. And about how she hadn’t always been a true one herself.

She put her arm around Pholisa. “Don’t worry, Auntie,” she said. “I’m just as happy staying home with my best friend.”

“Make sure you wash up the glasses before you put that TV on,” grumbled Auntie.

But Lelethu hardly heard her. She was watching Pholisa, whose eyes had filled with tears as she raised her pinkie at Lelethu, who silently raised hers back.

“What are you girls doing?” said Auntie. “Hurry up now so that we can watch that movie on TV.”

“I mustn’t be too long, said Pholisa. “My gogo is waiting for me.” She looked at Lelethu. “She is well enough now for the journey home. We leave next Monday.”

Lelethu flung her arms around her. “Oh no, Pholisa, I don’t want you to go. Don’t you want to stay forev-er?”

“You must be joking,” said Pholisa. “I can’t wait to get home. I’m no city girl. But I will see you in the holi-days.”

“Because we’re best friends forever,” said Lelethu with a smile.

“Forever and ever,” said Pholisa, and they both laughed.



What would have happened if, when Princess sent the photo of Lelethu around, no one had opened it or forwarded it?

You can make a huge difference: don’t forward pictures or comments that hurt people.

Some basic steps to protect yourself:

  • Have a pin number on your phone.
  • Change all your passwords regularly, and never use the same one on two accounts. If possible, use a mix of numbers, letters and uppercase, avoiding obvious ones such as your boyfriend’s name!
  • Always turn your Bluetooth off when you are not using it.
  • Do not accept friend requests from people you don’t know.
  • Think before you give out personal details, both online and offline.
  • If you use another person’s phone or computer, logout and clear your browser history.
  • Do not arrange to meet someone you meet online, in real life.
  • If you have a phone stolen, report it to the police and cancel the sim card.
  • For help or more information go to:

  • http://www.google.co.za/goodtoknow/familysafety/
  • http://www.takebackthetech.net/be-safe
  • For counselling:

  • Call Childline toll-free on 0800 555555