From Pumla Maseko’s Facebook page:

So I’ve decided to have a baby, Facebook peeps. Ke nako – it is time. Starting auditions for a baby daddy tomorrow.

Sizwe Dhlomo Ooh, ooh! Me! Me! Pick me!

Pumla Maseko Sizwe, I totally would, babe. Like a shot, you know that. But you’re gay, and I really don’t want to involve any turkey basters in this exercise.

Jamie Burchell Are you Out. Of. Your. Mind?

Victoria Mooki That’s very judgemental, Jamie. Why shouldn’t she have a baby if she wants one?

Jamie Burchell She DOESN’T want one. That’s the whole point.

Pumla Maseko Maybe I’ve changed my mind.

Jamie Burchell And maybe you’re just caving to pressure.

Victoria Mooki It’s still her business, not ours.

Jamie Burchell Hey, if you put it up as your Facebook status, it becomes everyone’s business.

Victoria Mooki I happen to think Pumla will make an awesome mom.

Pumla Maseko Thanks Vix.

Jamie Burchell Remember those sugar babies we had to carry around in Grade 7? Those bags of sugar with faces drawn on them? We had to carry them around with us 24 hours a day – feed them, burp them, dress them, keep them warm. They were supposed to teach us about the responsibilities of parenting. Remember how many sugar babies you killed? Five! You still hold the record for bursting the most bags of sugar over a two-week period.

Pumla Maseko I was THIRTEEN! That was, like, FIFTEEN years ago. I like to think I’ve grown up since then.

Sizwe Dhlomo Of course you have.

Pumla Maseko And anyway, I’m tired of people looking at me with that subtle pity in their eyes. Like there must be something wrong with me. I’m going to do this before I end up the oldest mom on the playground.