Too many times people have asked me: “Zinzi why do you keep on writing? It’s just a waste of time, don’t you think? Who cares to read in this day and time anyway?”
“I write my thoughts.” I always reply. It’s never a suffice response coz they implore further.
“Who cares what Zinzi Zwane thinks?”
Although I, Zinzi Zwane, never explain myself to anyone – coz even if I did explain myself, most of you would still not understand me the way I want you to – I however feel that if I don’t explain this now I will be doing a great injustice to myself as the question will keep popping up like unwanted weeds in a garden.
So let me say this once and for all:
Why do I write? I write because writing helps me make sense of life and human nature in general. Writing offers a sort-of safe haven from the brutalities of life. And to just know that there are people out there – it doesn’t really matter how few – who take a bit of their time to read, and sometimes comment when they feel the need to, fills my heart with the greatest joy of all. To know that they relate to what I write means more than the world to me.
I also write to relieve the tension within me; when emotions are all jammed up like tinned sardines and I feel like my head could explode. My diary is the only place where I can have a good laugh about seriously grave issues. But above all, a girl must have a diary, especially if they are like me and they have no one to speak to but a brother who is only interested in scientific inventions, researches and all that jazz that bears utterly no significance to me.
A girl must have a diary, especially when everyone is damn sure you are not good for anything. Life is lonely sometimes.
Coming to think of it how many people have I killed and buried literally in this Diary whenever they pissed me off. See it is true when they say a pen is mightier than a sword.
ZZ xxx