Dad just burst into my room without knocking (so what if the door was ajar, it’s courteous to knock) to announce that I must make no plans for Father’s Day, that it will be our time together. I mean really?

It’s sweet in a way, spending time with dad, just the two of us. But it’s also a bit constraining. I gave the usual moan and groan; clearly displaying my irritation at the fact that my plans were not considered before this decision was imposed on me. I couldn’t just say, “Yay dad, awesome!” even though I was feeling it. That would just be totally insane.

It feels weird being in the house alone with him. It’s so empty and cold. Yesterday I felt a pang of sadness when he mentioned that he missed Sim. I miss him too, although vocally declaring it would be a complete blunder, not to mention a devastating end to our sibling rivalry. It will be another week before he joins us with mom; school only closes on the… don’t know, don’t care.

He says I’ve changed, Dad, I mean. He says I’m more grown up… cant’ imagine me being grown up but OK. I spend my time reading; like now, before he almost crash-landed on me (I was lying on the floor in the den reading; the carpet is softer than my bed) when he came to announce our June 16 plans. So I suppose the books I’m reading have an effect on me and spending time in my head helps.

That would explain the way I write lately. I noticed a change too. Don’t worry, you can relax that tense brow and stop looking confused. I’m currently reading Love and other Impossible Pursuits By Ayelet Waldman. It’s everything a good book should be. It’s funny, witty, touching and very real.

It’s about this woman who hates her stepson because he is just a 5-year-old grown up. Now there you go judging again, don’t do that! She has her reasons to hate him and once you’ve read the book you’ll understand. I understand, my brother makes me feel like an idiot most times and I can relate to her in a way.

Sim is a grown up in a kid’s body. He speaks like the Wizard of Oz and he dresses… well, geeky. He has style though, we all do. He reads encyclopaedias for fun and can recite every word in the dictionary with it’s different definitions… and he can do it backwards!

I, on the other hand, am just a 19-year-old who isn’t sure whether she wants to be a hard-core journalist or a magazine editor. My biggest worries in life are what outfits to wear to which outings and what colour to dye my hair next. Vain, I know. But I really don’t care much. Well, not for the next few weeks anyways.

Well then, enough chit chat. My book awaits. Till next week.

ZZ xxx