Unemployment is at an all-time high, and youth finds themselves at the forefront of the fight to find a job. 

According to StatsSA, in “… the first quarter of 2022, the unemployment rate was 63,9% for those aged 15-24 and 42,1% for those aged 25-34 years, while the current official national rate stands at 34,5%.”

In a bid to keep the country moving forward, and to help those in need, many organisations across the country have been established. 

Below is a list of five, although there are many more, youth organisations that aim to help build up the youth and various communities. 

  • Amandla Development 

Amandla’s Development states:, “We work towards breaking the cycle that keeps young people trapped generation after generation. Children in Philippi Township, South Africa, face brutal poverty. Housing is haphazard, opportunities are scarce, and HIV infections claim one in three young women.”

Amandla has four services that they offer:. 

  • Safe space – Amandla says that they are free of judgement and wants everyone to feel comfortable. The programmes for Safe space include sex education, music and dance, quiet and study space, physical and mental health care.
  • Community Solutions – Amandla uses the aid of various organisations to help break the cycle of poverty.
  • Resources Access Program (RAP) – Tthe gathering of data and information to help the community know what there is to offer and how they can access it.
  • Shared measures – Data collectors go into the community to gather real life data and statistics to help guide Amandla’s future actions and decisions. 
  • Ikamva Youth

The Ikamva Youth mission statement declares:, “Our mission is to enable disadvantaged youth to pull themselves and each other out of poverty and into tertiary education or employment.” 

According to the Ikamva Youth website, their programme was co-created with learners and tutors. Ikamva has a lot to offer, such as academic tutoring, psycho-social support and career guidance, to name a few. 

The core objective of Ikamva Youth’s programme is tutoring. Tutors volunteer to support learners in small groups and make sure that the learners fully understand their school work. Their volunteers come from various backgrounds, but most include students from universities or colleges. 

Ikamva Youth has branches all across South Africa, including the Western Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and the North West Province. 

  • National Youth Development Agency

The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) was established by the South African government in 2008. 

According to the NYDA website, “The institution was established to be a single, unitary structure addressing youth development issues at National, Provincial and Local Government level.”

The NYDA has a shifted it’s core business away from Enterprise Finance to education and skills development. 

The NYDA has many services including mentorships, a youth development programme, business management training, a grant and a voucher programme. 

  • National Youth Development Outreach

The core objective of the National Youth Development Outreach (NYDO) organisation is to, “Provide holistic training, education and developmental programmes for the youth at risk and those in conflict with the law.”

NYDO offers a range of services including adolescent diversion, which is where the individual takes responsibility for their actions and tries toy and repair the harm caused.

Another programme highlights prevention and includes crime prevention, life skills and youth development.

 NYDO also addresses barriers, such as access to knowledge, by offering mentoring and skills development. 

  • Mustadafin Foundation 

When scrolling through the website of Mustadafin Foundation you can see the wide range of services that they offer, including but not limited to:

  • Community development
  • Disaster relief
  • Education
  • Health programmes
  • Youth Development

The aims and objectives of Mustadafin Foundation arestates, “The promotion of cultural and educational advancement of oppressed, destitute and deprived people in South Africa.”

Mustadafin even offers bursaries to those who are struggling to pay for their tertiary education.

Life is tough, everything is expensive,; so if you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. We all need a kick- start every now and again. Good luck with your future aspirations and I hope that you achieve them someday. 


Tell us: Do you know of any other youth organisations that could help someone in need?

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