This narrative essay piece is part of the FunDza Fellowship Project, showcasing the incredible talent of our 2024 Fellows. These stories were crafted by emerging young writers as part of their journey to hone their skills in storytelling. Each piece reflects their unique voice and creativity. We’re excited to share their remarkable narratives with you!
I met him on Facebook about six years ago. At first, it was just casual interaction—comments here and there. Then he texted me, and I responded. From that day, we began talking regularly. He told me about himself and where he came from, and I shared my story too. We had something in common: writing novels. We even exchanged some chapters to edit for each other. In hindsight, it might seem naïve to send my work to someone I barely knew, but it brought us closer.
He started opening up about his desires, dreams, and goals. Back then, I didn’t have many friends at school, so having someone from the online world who genuinely listened to my endless chatter about dreams and school life felt special.
Our texting eventually turned into phone calls, and soon, the flirting began. We’d chat for hours, and even after logging off, my heart would yearn for more. I started experiencing feelings I couldn’t explain—unfamiliar butterflies in my stomach whenever I thought about him or replayed the sound of his voice in my head.
We called each other “wifey” and “hubby.” It was clear we had feelings for each other, but there was a significant obstacle: he had a girlfriend. He didn’t hide it from me. It was as though he sensed I was getting hooked, and knowing he was unavailable hurt deeply. I decided to pull back and stop giving him my attention, but he never gave up texting or calling me.
When I tried to distance myself, he confessed how much he needed me in his life. He shared personal and dark details about his relationship with his girlfriend. It felt like he trusted me enough to bare his soul, which only made me love him more. Despite the circumstances, the flirting never stopped. And when his girlfriend proposed to him, I felt like a fool for loving someone I could never have.
Years later, he broke up with his girlfriend but refused to discuss the reasons. His reluctance left a void in our conversations, which became dry and brief. It was as if their breakup had taken away the bond we once shared.
Earlier this year, he asked me out on a date—bungee jumping! I was excited and terrified at the same time. Meeting my long-time crush and conquering my fear of heights on the same day was overwhelming. He was there for me through it all, holding my hand and making me feel safe. The thrill of the jump paled in comparison to the thrill of being with him. That day marked the start of a new chapter for us.
But soon, reality crept in. My studies demanded attention, and he began complaining that I wasn’t making time for him. I explained my situation, and he seemed to understand at first. However, things took a turn when, during one of our meet-ups, he saw a call from my ex using his cousin’s phone. Assuming I was cheating, he accused me of flirting with other guys.
I tried explaining, even using True Caller to prove the number belonged to my friend, but it was too late. His ex showed up at his apartment, calling him “babe” right in front of me. I left without causing a scene and vowed never to contact him again.
For two weeks, I stayed away. It felt like an eternity because he had a way of making me feel special. After three weeks, he called. Despite my resolve, I picked up on the first ring. I hated myself for being so weak, but I realized I missed his voice. He apologized, showered me with gifts, and for a short while, I friend-zoned him as punishment. That didn’t last long. Soon, we were back to being the “it” couple.
We still fight like crazy, but he remains my number one. Over time, we’ve learned to communicate better and consider each other’s feelings. Love doesn’t mean perfection. It’s about weathering the storms and growing together. There will always be bumps along the road before you can say “I do” in front of a priest.
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