Besides the obvious things every man should know like cutting your nails, brushing your teeth, ironing your clothes and TAKING A BATH!!! at least once a day, there are a lot of other things you can do to improve your style and be more attractive. So here are my top 3 things that I think every guy needs to do and own.

3. Wear a watch

I read an article online once that said “A good watch isn’t just an extension of style, it’s an extension of you.” As a guy you are never fully dressed without a watch. It does not necessarily have to be an expensive watch because you can get a nice watch that looks expensive and people will automatically treat you differently if you are wearing a watch. A very big misconception is that accessories are for girls, truth is guys need to do their part as well. You can maybe wear glasses, a ring, chain but I think the most important accessory for a guy is a watch. As much as you want to show off your partner, I can promise you that your partner wants to show you off too.

You also need to know which watch goes with which outfit: Always wear an analogue watch with formal clothes, and never a digital watch, because you don’t want your outfit to suggest you are going to a formal event and your watch to suggest you are about to take a jog. It’s the same like choosing which colours to wear, would you wear orange and red and look like you are related to Madea? No, so never wear digital and formal, it’s like oil and water.

2. Trim your hair

Your haircut is always incomplete without a trim. When you are in a barbershop and you see the barber busy cutting someone’s hair, it will look like the barber has no idea what he is doing because it never looks right until it is trimmed. The only time you are allowed to skip a trim is when you are cutting your hair bles (Cheese-kop). When you get your hair trimmed, make sure that you get your hair trimmed by someone that can trim straight. You can’t walk around with a haircut that looks like it was cut by the neighbour of the three blind mice!

There comes a time when your daddy or uncle is not allowed to cut your hair anymore and that normally happens as soon as you get to high school. A trim is like taking a bath, you can’t go without it, so always make sure that your trim is in, whether it is the hair on your head or if you are growing your beard. You should also brush your hair as much as possible, some of us always have a brush or two on us.

1. Smell good

Taking a bath or shower is something guys most of the time forget to do for 2 or 3 days but even if you do it daily, it’s not enough. Don’t forget to use anti-perspirant and always wear spray or perfume. No-one wants to hug someone that doesn’t smell nice. As a modern metro man, I always keep my spray and perfume in my bag because you never know who you are going to walk into and you don’t want that person to have something bad to say about you when you leave. If you know you have an active job, always try and spray when you leave your place of work; smelling sweaty is not a sign that you are hardworking, it is a sign that you are filthy and don’t care about your body or image.

Now when choosing a spray, take note of which sprays are for teenagers and which ones are for older people. A spray like Brut might smell nice on your daddy but it’s not something a young person should wear, whereas Status or Axe smells better on young people. When it comes to choosing a perfume, Russian Leather might smell good on an older man but when choosing a perfume as a young man, go for perfumes like addidas and solo. Please note: Smelling good speaks on your behalf.

In conclusion, for all the gents out there it’s really important that you start with these 3 easy steps and grow from them because they will really change your life and also positively impact the lives of the people around you.

Written by Alonzo Naude


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