When faced with looming deadlines or the pressure of exams, our bodies often yearn for something. “Whenever I feel stressed, I always find myself craving salty snacks like chips “, confesses Nita, a 17-year student. However, what if the foods we turn to for solace worsen our stress levels?

The truth is, indulging in greasy sandwiches, bags of chips and sugary treats may temporarily please our taste buds but can have effects on our waistlines and long-term heart health. So perhaps it’s time to bid farewell to these comfort food crutches.

But before we make that decision, let’s delve into why our bodies tend to crave foods when we’re stressed;

Chips and Salty Snacks: When under stress, our bodies often crave snacks because they are typically high in sodium. Some studies suggest that sodium can temporarily alleviate stress by influencing serotonin levels in the brain, providing a mood boost. However, excessive consumption can lead to high blood pressure.

Sugary Snacks and Sodas:
When life gets hectic, reaching for sugary snacks or a fizzy drink is like an instant pep rally for your brain. Sugar spikes dopamine—a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centres. But the high is short-lived, leading to an inevitable crash.

Fast Food: Longing for a burger or kota? Stress may be nudging you towards high-fat, high-calorie foods. They can activate your brain’s reward centres, offering temporary comfort. Yet, these are false friends that might leave you sluggish and affect your health in the long run.

Now, if your wallet’s giving you the side-eye at the mention of dark chocolate or chamomile tea, don’t sweat it. But you can still operate on a budget and munch your way to tranquillity. Let’s talk about some wallet-friendly, stress-crushing champions.

How to Redirect Your Cravings:

Bananas: Next time you’re craving chocolate, try a banana instead. Bananas? Yep, they’re cheap, cheerful, and chock-full of magnesium, the brain’s chill pill, perfect for dialling down the drama and anxiety. Unlike processed snacks, they’re packed with natural sugars and magnesium, a mineral that helps control your stress response. “Bananas are my low-cost chill pill,” grins Sizwe, a 22-year-old apprentice and athlete.

Black Tea: Craving fizzy drinks? That’s often your body’s cry for stress relief. Black tea can satisfy the urge with less sugar and a calm caffeine touch. “It’s like a soothing ritual in a mug,” explains Lerato, a 20-year-old university student juggling exams and a part-time job. It offers a gentle caffeine lift and has amino acids that may help you relax and refocus.

Eggs: Ditch the fast-food cravings for the humble egg. Fast food cravings signal a call for protein and fat. The protein content of eggs helps satisfy hunger, and the presence of omega-3 fatty acids can aid mood stabilisation.

Apples and Peanut Butter: Swap out sugary snacks with an apple and a dollop of peanut butter. This duo brings together the sweetness you’re after with a hit of protein, keeping blood sugar levels stable for a longer-lasting mood boost.

Spinach: Yes, Popeye was onto something! Those crispy, salty cravings can be healthily answered with some oven-baked spinach leaves. Forget expensive kale; spinach is the affordable super-green that’s just as rich in magnesium and can help manage stress levels. If you’re in Cape Town, be sure to check out the produce from the Spinach King in Khayelitsha!

Knowing why you crave certain foods when stressed can help you make better snack choices that don’t leave you feeling bad afterwards. Instead of just eating whatever, think about what you really want – maybe it’s a quick pick-me-up or just something yummy. Then, go for snacks that are not just tasty but good for you, too. Next time you’re looking for something to munch on when stressed, remember you’ve got options that can make you feel good and keep you on track with staying healthy. Be smart with your snacks so you end up feeling awesome not guilty.

QUESTION: What are some of your go-to snacks when you’re feeling stressed, and how might you swap them for healthier options that still satisfy those cravings?

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