Growing up, my mother always made me wear my brightest and boldest outfit for Women’s Day. It was as important as our “Christmas outfits.” I didn’t fully grasp why until one sunny Women’s Day, sitting on the edge of my grandma’s cosy, well-worn couch, she shared her experiences of living in apartheid South Africa.

I really listened as she spoke of her own acts of quiet resistance during apartheid. Each tale was a mix of struggle, strength, and a sprinkle of mischief. That afternoon, as laughter and the rich aroma of rooibos tea filled the air, my young mind began to understand the sheer badassery of the women who lived through that time. Their actions weave a tapestry of resilience that has protected and propelled women like me forward. It made me realize how powerful and essential it is to honour the fierce and fearless women who, on August 9, 1956, stood up for what was right.

Around 20,000 women marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against the unfair pass laws of apartheid South Africa. These laws forced black South Africans to carry passbooks, which severely restricted their freedom.

Imagine the scene: thousands of women, united by a common cause, leaving 14,000 petitions at the office doors of Prime Minister J.G. Strijdom. They stood in silent protest for 30 minutes, a powerful expression of peaceful defiance. It was during this remarkable moment that the chant “Wathint’Abafazi, Wathint’imbokodo!” (You strike the women, you strike a rock!) was first heard, symbolizing their incredible strength and resilience.

So, how can we show our gratitude and respect for the amazing women around us today?

Give them their flowers—both literally and figuratively! Celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in your life publicly. Share their successes on social media, bring them up at your next family braai, or during a hangout with friends. Let the world know about the awesome women in your life!

If you have a blog, YouTube channel, or a buzzing social media presence, use it to share stories of inspiring women. Whether it’s someone famous, a local hero from your community, or a personal role model, highlighting these stories can inspire others and bring attention to the impactful roles women play in our society.

Try to lend a helping hand wherever you can. If they’re studying something you’re good at, offer to tutor them. Maybe share tips on acing job interviews or managing personal projects. These acts of support show that you truly have their backs.

Make it a point to really listen to the women in your life. Whether it’s your mom, sister, or a friend, understanding their experiences and challenges is crucial. Listening actively makes them feel valued and heard.

Engage in Conversations About Gender Equality: Talk about what gender equality really means and why it’s important. Involve your friends in these discussions, challenge stereotypes, and explore ways to promote respect and fairness for all.

This Women’s Day, take a moment to reflect on the impact that women have had on your life and on our society. From those 20,000 courageous women in 1956 to the influential women of today, let’s show our appreciation not just talk about it.

Celebrate, support, and advocate for women not just on Women’s Day, but every day.

Tell us: What are some other ways we can celebrate and support the women in our lives? Drop your ideas below and let’s get the conversation started!