The next day, instead of going to work, Jan visits Shingi. Shingi was the best in camera and IT. Jan lent him money and he always paid him back. Jan felt Shingi owed him a lot. He helped him with money almost all the time.

“Do you still have those small cameras?” he asked.

“You want to be a detective. What are you going to use them for?” Shingi smoked his cigarette.

“I can’t tell you. If I tell you, I will be dead. Can I have them? I am your dude.” Jan spoke quietly.

“I know I owe you, give me two days.” he said, inhaling the cigarette.

Jan left and went to the supermarket for duty. He found the supermarket busy, it was month-end. Sheila was on the counter.

“You are late.” Thomas hissed.

“I was doing something. I want to catch the thief.” Jan spoke and started to walk. Thomas pulled him to the wall.

“What are you going to do?” he said angrily.

“That’s my business.” Jan pushed him.

“We are working here together.” Thomas spoke loudly. Thomas was furious. He hated it when people did things behind his back. Jan didn’t understand why he wanted to know his plans. Something is going on, Jan thought.

“Mr Tari left the shop in my hands. He trusts me with the shop and one of us is the thief,” he said rudely and walked in the office. He took hold of his phone and sent a message to Shingi.

Please do it fast.

Don’t worry when I have them, I will call.

The office phone rang, it was Mr Tari. He asked about the shop. Jan said that everything was going smoothly. He didn’t want him to come back so soon.

He checked the goods if they needed to order more. He then saw it was not only money stolen, but the goods were short too. Why were the books not adding up? Someone was definitely stealing, but who was the thief? Thomas would not steal, maybe it was Tawanda. He looked quiet but was a crook. How could a cleaner know about the till though?

The day was short, he remained behind waiting for Sheila to cash up. She came in the office looking down.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, when she handed the bag with money. “The money is short by R500,” she spoke sadly.

“What? Oh not again. Do me a favour. Don’t tell anyone about this,” he warned Sheila.

She left while Jan remained behind.

He sat in thought. He had time, Mr Tari will only come back next week. Shingi had to be fast.


Tell us what you think: Who do you think is the thief?