The next two days we spent indoors, romancing and having sex. It was like a dream. Then Ken texted me a message.
Where are you?
I was nervous but I had to tell him that I was safe and OK. Seems my parents noticed I was not coming home, I thought to myself.
I am fine. Went on a trip with Mark.
What are you guys doing there?
Ken, I am fine, we went for a weekend to a hotel out of town.
Are you in love now?
Mark and I are friends.
“Baby, aren’t you going to work tomorrow?” Mark asked me while fiddling with his phone.
“I am not going, we’re closed,” I said looking at my phone, thinking Ken would text again.
Ken was a cousin I stayed with him and when he did that it meant my parents would be meddling in my life.
“You know Lulu, you must go home,” he said walking towards where I sat on the bed.
“Why?” I asked.
“What would my parents say? You’ve been here for three days,” he said as if he didn’t want me anymore.
“What happened to us Mark?” I asked.
“The thing is I like you, you’re my bestie,” he said.
He was getting me angry. Having sex with him for three days was nothing! Him kissing me was a “bestie”. It was cutting my heart to pieces.
“Mark, why are you doing this to me?” I said as I stood up. Mark held my hand, his love turning to vapour, to dust; he was hurting me a lot. “I don’t understand what was happening here, we are besties who have sex?” I shouted at him.
“Don’t make noise, my parents are here. Look we can’t be in love, let’s be friends with benefits,” he said getting closer to me.
I hated what was happening. All the love he declared was fake. I was boiling with anger that he lied to me. I quickly dressed back to my clothes and pushed him aside, looking for my shoes.
“Lulu listen, we’ve been friends since childhood. I just wanted to have sex, you would help me and I will help you too. We are single.” He said.
I was suffocating with ager and I went out. I was very angry. How could he do that to me? I walked to the gate and looked back at Mark who stood by his gate. I walked as if I was going to kill someone. I met his parents and never greeted them because of what Mark had said.
I felt like I was cursed. What made me sleep with my best friend? He started it and I agreed. The night in his room, I even said that this was wrong. Mark had changed from the boy I was friends with and became an enemy.
I couldn’t eat for three days in a row. Christmas came and I spent the days sleeping, crying because I hated Mark. I saw texts from him and didn’t want to read them. They were becoming many messages. Eventually I opened them; all from Mark, so irritating.
Lulu need to see you.
I love you, miss our sex.
Please come see me now.
I never replied them. They were just making me angrier. I didn’t see him again until he left.
I began to feel nauseous and started to vomit. I wondered if I could be pregnant. Oh no, this can’t be, I thought, Mark doesn’t love me, he used me. I was so scared how I would overcome this. I had to run far away. What would my parents say if they knew it was Mark’s baby? This was a disaster.
He never called anymore so I texted him. It seemed the bond we had was burned.
Mark I think I am pregnant.
He never replied but I knew he saw the message. Three months passed and my belly was growing. I thought of what to do and knew I had to move away. I wrote a letter to my mother saying I went to stay with a friend from school, Angeline, who stayed in Welkom. I had to move away from the shame. I found a job as a cashier and assistant in a fashion shop. I had to prepare for my baby.
Tell us what you think: What do you think of what Mark did? Would you forgive him if you were Lulu?