I stood up to greet her but she quickly stopped me.

“No, no, dear, don’t bother standing. I have been waiting for you since Felicia got in a car accident,” she said pulling a chair opposite me. “I have been blind for a long time now that I know each and every corner of this house. And I know when a lost, wondering soul is seeking answers. You smell just like Felicia. She used to sit there folding her arms like you. My name is Emily Wither, a very good old friend of your mother and grandmother,” she said.

“Please explain to me why I’m here and why did my mother write your name on that paper?”

“Oh Sara…” she sighed and took a long breath. “A long time ago, before you were born, your grandmother was a well-known psychic in town and she had helped a lot of people and had encountered many spirits. One day she met a young lady named Sophie. Lord, I am too old to remember her last name…but Sophie had a dark entity attached to her. It was a parasitic entity, a tormenting entity that fed on her fears, a very dark one.”

I just sat there listening, not sure if I was even hearing her clearly. My grandma, a physic? Can’t be, I thought.

“Your grandmother was unable to send this entity away that it killed Sophie after it found her useless and had already attached itself to your grandmother. It tormented her until the day she also died in a car accident.”

“I don’t understand… How is this connected to me and my mother?”

“Your mother inherited the gift of being a psychic from your grandmother but she did not only inherit the gift, she also inherited the evil entity. Your mother made it even stronger because she made encounters with spirits and went to the other world, which opened a doorway between our world and the spirit world. That gave this evil entity more power to come and go as it pleased in both worlds. Though she didn’t show you but I assure you it tormented her. This entity Sara, has caused a generational curse upon your family.”

“So you’re saying that this entity is the reason why the car accident happened?”

“I am afraid it is. When it finds you useless it takes you away from the world of the living to its dark world, where you will suffer because it now owns you.”

“I have been having dreams about a gift I have… A gift that will save many…”

“The third eye gift… The psychic gift! That is why Felicia became useless. Your grandmother, Sophie, and Felicia are still trapped in that world. They can’t crossover to the light. Sara, you are the only one who can save them, not only them but also your family from Valerie. She knows about you, Sara and she knows that you are more powerful than her.”

“Valerie? That’s her name? Why me? What if I cannot help them? Where am I even gonna start?”

“You because you are strong and brave, you because you can see the other world. If you were not the one you wouldn’t have had this gift. You were sent here to seek it, now you have found it. You are alive Sara, Valeria is not, you are of this world and she is not. You have a gift and you have never encountered any spirits and that is your power.”

I sat there amazed at what my ears heard. It all felt untrue. It was like she was making it all up. Yes, it answered most of my questions but it turned out to be even more than what I expected.

I stood up in shock and walked out of Emily’s house. She didn’t even try to stop me, not that I was expecting it, but she shouldn’t have let me leave in the kind of state I was in.


Tell us: Do you think Sara will be able to save her mother’s life?