The next thing I heard was my father waking me up. I opened my eyes and looked at the chair next to me. The dream felt so real but I brushed it off and turned back to look at my father.

“You look like you have seen a ghost.”

He said standing in front of me. I could see sweat on his forehead and how tired and drained he looked from the pile of paperwork he was busy with. The doctor walked into the waiting room, also looking tired. He looked like he was devastated and didn’t want to be the one to say whatever news he was about to say.

He told us that my mother had a brain injury and that they have put her on life support because, well, he used some big terms that I didn’t understand. It was now left to faith and a miracle but my dad believed that his wife was going to make it.

The doctor allowed us to go see my mother. Walking into that room, I could feel peace by just looking at how she was sleeping. And my soul began to be at ease that she was at peace, well I thought she was. Now I had to be the mother to Pickie and my dad.

I had to bathe Pickie, iron for my dad, prepare food for them, drive Little Missy to school, come back and clean the house and go attend my classes.

When I was alone in the house, a little voice in me that I couldn’t ignore kept on pushing me to go to the basement where my mother held her readings. At first I thought this was crazy, she would be so upset if she found out I did. But I ended up going down there because I was curious. I had never been in there before.

She had turned the basement into something that looked like a room where people can meet up in and probably eat at with a table, chairs even a tablecloth, I leaned closer to the table and noticed a piece of paper with my name written on it. Out of curiosity I lifted the paper up, opened it and found another name written on it. Emily Wither it said. I had never heard of the name before. I tried to think as hard as I could but the name didn’t ring a bell.

Later on I asked dad.

“Dad, do you know an Emily Wither,” I asked.

“Mmm, the only Emily I know lives two streets away. I don’t know if it’s Wither or not though,” he said.

Without hesitation I went to find her the following morning after dropping Pickie. I was scared when I arrived at the door. After three nervous knocks a young lady opened the door for me.

“Hi, I am looking for Emily Wither.” I said, nervously looking at this young lady who was starring right into my eyes, waiting for me to say something.

She turned and yelled, “She is here,”

I was at the right house and they were expecting me. They knew I was coming… But, did my mother tell them?

“Come in and sit down, she will be with you,” the young lady said, opening the door for me. I walked in and sat down on one of the most comfortable couches I had ever sat on. It was like sitting on a sponge.

This old blind woman, holding an orthopaedic walking stick walked in and greeted me by my full name.


Tell us: What do you think Sara will uncover at this house? And how did they know she was coming?