It was a short distance back, and the bus was very fast. He had slept all the way back. He arrived at Park Station at 7 a.m. He went to the restrooms, washed his face, brushed his teeth and changed his clothes. He packed his dirty clothes in the bag. He made sure that he looked smart with his tie on.

He took a taxi to the mine offices. He arrived there quickly. He went to his boss’ office and notified him that he was back. He sat in his office capturing data when Aron entered. Aron wore a blue work suit with a yellow shining strip at the bottom of the ends.

“How could you?” he shouted.

“You are making noise and don’t even greet me,” he said calmly.

Aron entered and sat on the chair.

“Where is my money?” Darrel asked.

“I am sorry, Darrel. I wanted to tell you. I used it,” he answered with remorse.

“Aron, I trusted you. My family needed that money, and what happened to my groceries?” he asked.

“I will buy them back,” he answered, staring down.

“Where will you get the money? Your pay is low. The cow will pay for all of my money and groceries,” he shouted as he stood up.

“Forgive me, please,” he said in remorse.

“OK, I forgive you,” he said and sat down.

Aron smiled, shook his hand, and left his office. Darrel was someone who couldn’t stay angry forever. Aron was his only homie there. Things were OK between Aron and Darrel. Their life went back to normal. A week passed and Darrel was happy. At home things were fine too, they would share the cooking and cleaning their rooms.

Aron, underground, started gossiping about Darrel and his family.

“He never paid me to take his groceries and money to his family,” he said.

“That’s what happens to people who think they are better and have good jobs where they just sit with laptops on their desk,” Jeff said.

They laughed and continued to gossip about Darrel. The boss was behind them when he heard Aron talking. At first, he didn’t know what it was about.

“This is a workplace. Get back to work,” he ordered loudly.

They began to walk away. The boss stared at Aron and left after checking that they were doing their job.

Darrel sat on the chair, typing information on the laptop when Ben entered his office. Ben was the foreman. He was close to Darrel and respected him as his superior.

“Afternoon, sir,” Ben said and sat on the chair opposite Darrel.

“Hi, Ben, how are you?” he asked as he looked at him.

“I am good, thanks,” he answered.

Darrel could see that Ben wanted to say something.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“Sir, it’s personal if you don’t mind,” he answered.

Darrel waved his hand, he began to check some papers on his desk.

“Are you staying with Aron?” Ben asked.

Darrel nodded again, busy typing on the laptop.

“Do you know he talks about you to the miners?” he asked.

Darrel stopped typing and looked at Ben. He stood up disappointed.

“What does he say?” he asked.

Ben told him what Aron had said. He was stricken and disappointed, and all of this after what he did to him with the groceries and the money. He sat on the chair, sad and hurt.

“Thanks for the heads up, I just can’t believe this,” he said softly.

Benjamin went out. Darrel couldn’t believe that Aron doesn’t learn. At 5 p.m., he left for home. He arrived home and cooked his supper. He ate while he sat on the bed. He heard Aron enter. Darrel went to the kitchen to confront Aron.

“Brother, you cooked only your food. Why?” Aron asked.

“I am angry with you. How could you?” Darrel said in agony.

“How could I what?” Aron replied.

“You betrayed me. I shared my secrets with you in confidence… I told you to keep things to yourself… Now you have told everyone about my life… Why, Aron? Why?” Darrel said apoplectically.

Aron stood there looking at him as if he didn’t know anything. Darrel went back in his bedroom and slammed the door. Aron sat on the chair. He regretted what he had been doing to Darrel. Darrel packed all his stuff and wanted to look for a one-room so he could rent. He looked at the internet and found a place in Midrand. He quickly sent the requested information. He got a reply that he could come check it out the next day.

Early in the morning, Darrel prepared for work. He went into the kitchen, took a fruit, then Aron appeared.

“Morning, can we talk?” Aron asked.

Darrel looked at him and walked out. Aron watched him go. He was devastated that Darrel helped him to where he was. He wished Darrel would listen to him once again. It was over between the two friends. Darrel didn’t care anymore what happens to Aron. He deserved everything that would go his way. He climbed in a taxi and went to work.


Tell us what you think: What could Aron say that could fix things? Why do you think he is acting like this towards Darrel?