Tendai tells him about Scar and his gang. Alfred worries about his two friends hearing how frightening Scar is. He is only left with ten minutes, he decides to talk secretly with them. A guard is walking up and down in the hall. Scar looks at them and pretends to smile whileInnocent sees he is angry.

“You got to be careful. Why don’t you report him?” he murmurs.

“Did you see that he is looking at us?” Innocent grabs Tendai closer.

“You shouldn’t be scared of him. I will report him for you,” he says looking at them steady.

“Don’t… you’ll put both of us in danger,” they both say and Tendai continues.

“I will! Why did you do to him to punish you?” Alfred persists.

The warder keeps eyeing Scar and then looks at the three men. He continues walking up and down. He notices the commotion between the two parties but walks away.

“Who is the Warder in charge of your cells?” he asks.

“Luke,” Innocent answers.

“Inno… Shut up,” he shouts.

Everyone looks at them. Innocent gets terrified when Scar winks and smile at him. Their time is up. The prisoners walk back to their cells. Alfred’s eyes meet Scar’s and he smiles with a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. He follows the other visitors out of the prison. Alfred’s mind thinking how he can meet this Luke man.

He waits out of the big fence hoping to see him come out. He looks up and sees soldiers holding guns on every corner of the fence. He sits on the corner of the street but not on the road. He sees four warders coming out of the prison, he checks the time and it’s after 6pm. He stands up and walks towards them.

“Excuse me, I am waiting for Warder Luke,” he says.

“Who wants to know?” Warder Luke says fearlessly.

“I am Alfred,” he answers looking at the other three warders who carries on walking.

Alfred looks at the white man who has muscles and big. He could see he can survive a fight. He swallows his saliva shaking his body.

“Talk I don’t have time. My wife is waiting for me,” he stared at him.

“Oh sorry, I have something to share with you, I don’t know if you can help,” he feels goose-bumps in his stomach.

Alfred keeps telling himself he can only know when he tries. He has to for his home boys.

“Carry on,” he points with his finger.

Alfred gains his confidence and tells him about his friends that Scar will kill him if he wants to. Luke listened wisely following Alfred’s hands that motioned his fright.

“I don’t bite ,why didn’t those friends of yours tell me?” he asks puzzled.

“They are scared, sir,”

“Did you see Scar?” he asks, and chuckles in a soft way.

Alfred nods then Luke laughs louder.

“I should be home hey… I will protect your homies as long they behave,” he walks down the road.

Alfred follows him. Luke kept asking about his friends Alfred told him. He feels safe while speaking to him. He isn’t tough as he look, thought Alfred. People get petrified because of his body.

“Why did they want a fast life? To success it’s hard work,” he said touching his shoulder.

“Don’t worry I will protect your friends. Bring me something from Zimbabwe”.

A white Yaris stood in front of them. He smiled as he looks at it, the driver calls out,” hurry up Luke”.

Warder Luke climbs in a car with a white woman. Alfred assumes it’s his wife. He waves as the car drives off. His phone beeps and he checks it while looking out for intruders or thieves. It’s from the company for raw materials, they will finish off-loading after two days. That will give him time to see his friends. He walks to catch taxi back to the lodge feeling at ease.


Tell us: Do you think Warder Luke will save the two friends before it’s too late?