“Who told you to sit on that bench?” shouted Scar. Innocent and Tendai are serving their sentence at Joburg Max Prison. That is where notorious, murderers and rapists are kept. It’s been a month in prison and they have not met Scar.

They heard nasty things that he did to a lot of prisoners. Now he is on their case too but Tendai and Innocent hoped not to see him or have him closer to them.

It’s midday after their gym and bath time. Innocent and Tendai grab their trays and go sit on the other empty bench. Scar follow them and his gang stands up laughing.

“He looks like a nice cookie,” he licks Innocent’s cheek with his tongue.

Innocent tries to pull away but Scar is stronger than them. The gang wants to join but Scar tells them not to.

“You can either be my woman or else suffer,” he threatens.

Innocent looks at the tray with yellow pap and morogo, which isn’t appetizing but they either eat or starve.

Scar smiles when he sees that they only think about food. He pushes the tray with power and it falls on the ground. Innocent stands up angrily but the gang laughs louder. The other prisoners look as if they are also afraid of him.

“That’s my food,” Innocent points to the tray on the floor.

Tendai takes his tray and grabs Innocent but Scar corners him.

“You eat when I want you to, if I want you to starve so be it!” he hissed.

A loud whistle is blown that even Scar and his gang run away. Warder Luke is a feared warder in prison. He is a white muscular tall man; you can see his biceps from his clothes. He looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger with an ugly feared face. He hates bullies and makes sure you stay in the locked room.

Instead of a day, he gives three days ‘no food, no water’. Many die in that room so everyone avoids and that includes Scar and his gang. Scar’ gang is the most brutal one in prison.

“I hate this place,” Innocent cries in a low voice.

“So what do you want to do?” Tendai asks angrily.

“You influenced me…” he wipes his tears.

“Excuse me. You are just as greedy as I. You chose to and don’t ever say I influenced you,” he shouts but only on the bench.

They sat with other two guys who ate quietly. Tendai doesn’t know what to do so he calls Innocent to join him on his tray. They eat in silence. They have to choose an activity to do to keep them busy. Woodwork, reading and writing, sewing, gardening cleaning and cooking. Tendai and Innocent chose to do woodwork.

They enter a room and wear aprons with safety glasses. There is no way to be taught how to do woodwork but to Tendai it is easy peasy so he taught Innocent. In a day’s time he could

know the basics. They enjoy doing it because it was good for their minds and forget they are in prison.

“I am thinking about joining reading, I heard about people writing their final to get a certificate,” Innocent smiles with his safety glasses on.

“I hate reading,” Tendai gasps.

“Please let’s do this,” he said with his smooth eyes facing Tendai.

Scar hides by the door eavesdropping.

“I can’t,” he says seriously hitting the harmer on wood.

“You know when we are together we can protect each other…” Scar interrupts who laughs and shows himself.

“Even if you are together you are not strong. Join our group,” he says, coming towards Innocent.

Innocent rushes fast to Tendai’s back.

“Stay away from us,” he says furiously.

Warder Luke enters and Scar runs away without hesitation. Innocent sighs that the warder saves them again. Tendai carries on doing his woodwork. Warder Luke inspects and walks out, there is no misbehaving or unusual activity. He makes sure everyone is safe but he is also strict.


Tell us: What do you think of Scar’ behaviour?