Once the battle was over, news spread across the kingdom concerning a celebration to be held; Prince Khanya was going to choose a wife. This was the day Mthetho had waited for, but he wasn’t the only one having ulterior motives. Malcon planned another attack, but this time he had planned to attack from the inside.

Mthetho dressed up Nambla in the most gorgeous dress he could afford. Today was the day he had been dreaming of, picturing his daughter in a princess crown hand in hand with Prince Khanya.

Mthetho and his children were the first ones to make it to the castle’s gates. The citizens of the realm slowly began collecting behind them. Meanwhile, Malcon and his troupe posed as guards belonging to the kingdom and assisted guests into the wedding. Nambla walked in with Faku trailing behind her. Faku looked very out of place trailing behind the beautiful Nambla, but fortunately Nambla’s beauty earned the two seat’s at the banquet table inside the great hall of the castle.

Malcon was in the row of the guards and couldn’t control his rage towards the queen. He pulled his sword and swung for the queen’s head, missing and smacking her crown off her head, breaking its’ crystal. He swung again and this time impaled it in her stomach. Prince Khanya then threw his spear at Malcon, striking him in the back. The queen and Malcon simultaneously fell to the floor.

“Fool, you have destroyed the only thing that kept those brutal animals under my control! Now they will eradicate the kingdom!” the queen shouted at Malcon.

“Exactly my wishes,” he replied as he took his final breaths.

By now most of the guests were cowering in fear as they could hear the crocs beginning their attack.

Hearing the chaos outside the Castle, the queen slowly stood back on her feet, and said, “It has begun.”


Tell us: Who do you think will save the kingdom now?