She followed Henry from a distance to see if he was not meeting any chicks. The head chef had asked her to take things slow at work, they didn’t want her to return so quickly. When he was about to knock off, Henry went to a corner nearby a car park. Charlotte saw the girl form the cleaning department, Rachel. She was meeting Henry. They hugged each other and kissed.
Charlotte was shocked. She kept hiding and hearing their conversations.
“I love you,” he spoke softly.
“Me too. Charlotte says you are hers. You must tell her the truth,” she said quietly.
“Charlotte is obsessed with me. I don’t love her,” he said.
“Serious?” she said.
Henry nodded and hugged her. She watched them separate ways. She couldn’t believe Henry was such a big liar. Her heart was now fed up. Now it was time to let Henry go. She had to say it over and over again, and finally. She has to stop Henry from lying any further.
Charlotte didn’t sleep after work. She wanted to do something that was going to hurt him so much that he would hate her. That night Henry never texted or called her. He sent call-backs. It was after nine. She was so angry now she didn’t care about her feelings but Henry had to go.
At ten, she wanted to tell him over the phone but he didn’t answer. He answered and it went silent. After she called five times. She cut it. She knew he is either with his women, cheating in the open. Why had she never noticed it for the first months? He would call her and they would visit each other. They would sleep at each other’s homes. Maybe he tricked her so he could get what he wanted.
Charlotte had stopped him from visiting her. He complained but it was for the best. All the time, he complained about her not meeting his needs. He wanted to drain her finances, then hurt her, luckily she had stopped sponsoring him. He would say his needs were the first things she should cater for. How can you make someone happy when you are not?
She used to accept everything about him. Charlotte saw that he was using her and she stopped giving him anything. She never visited him because he got moody when she showed up unannounced.
She slept thinking of how to break off the relationship.
The next morning when she woke up, there were three missed calls from him. She called him so she could hurry for work.
“I called you last night.”
“I am sorry I was sleeping.”
“OK. I saw your missed calls today.”
“Yes baby, I need cash.”
“Oh, can you come at lunch?”
“Love you. See you there.”
Charlotte sighed, how can he lie and say he was sleeping? He was always on social media and slept even after midnight. He never ignored her calls. When he wanted something, he buzzed instead of calling.
Farai and Rufaro called her while on the way to work.
“How are you bestie? She asked.
“I am good. I finally see who Henry is,” Charlotte said confidently.
“Good. I hope you have the courage to tell that dog the truth,” Rufaro said.
“Will come see you after work, love you,” she said.
“I also love you, Charlotte,” Farai said loudly.
“Love you girls,” she said and put her phone in her bag.
Today I will tell him it’s over. She thought. She wrote a message to Henry. She can’t stand him, better to text him.
Henry, I can’t do this anymore. You never loved me. It’s all you say to every girl in the world. You are a big player, all you want from me is my money. I am sorry, I can’t give it to you. All I wanted was for you to love me. You ignored me. I am not the woman you love, that’s why every woman says that they are yours. It’s over between us.
She sat on the chair. Her phone beeped, it was Henry. She was shaking, she had to be strong.
Whatever. I don’t care.
Do whatever, I said I don’t care. You think you are special.
If not to you, then to someone else.
Fuck you bitch. Don’t contact me ever.
I won’t.
She stared at the phone, finally it was over. She felt free, lies always destroyed. Henry was not a good guy for someone who was desperate for love. He only wanted money. Farai and Rufaro were happy for her. It was suddenly over.
It was hard letting go of the man you love. It took courage, and with support from friends, you will stand for yourself, she thought. Her heart will be fine since she had removed the problem.
Tell us: Have you broken up with someone by text? Have you been dumped by text?