Finally Tracey went to pick them up. On their way home Tracey told Cassie that her father will be too busy to take her to the photo shoot.
“And I will also be too busy to take you,” said Tracey.
“Does he know that you also won’t be able to take me?”
“He doesn’t have to,”
“Ok then I’ll call Mike and let him know,”
“He won’t be very pleased,” Mel grinned.
“I can’t believe you are actually enjoying this,”
“Oh please, don’t take your frustrations out on me,”
“Whatever,” Cassie said looking outside the window her phone started ringing.
“Hi Cassie, it’s Devon. Can we meet today?”
“No we can’t I’m grounded,” she said.
“Ok then maybe some other time,”
Suddenly an idea came to Cassie and she smiled to herself.
“Or you can come over and give me a ride to my photo shoot?”
“Ok then see you later,”
“Sure bye,”
“Dad won’t like it when he hears who gave you a ride to the photo shoot,” Mel said.
“Better him than Dad,”
By this time they were already in the house. Cassie went to change from her school uniform and left without even telling Tracey, she just didn’t care anymore about Mel or her mother. Devon was already waiting for her outside.
“Why didn’t your father take you?” Devon asked on their way.
“Long story you’ll probably get bored,” she grinned.
“Try me,” he smiled back.
And Cassie told him everything, she even told him about her feelings and the drama with Mel.
“Wow what drama, thank you for trusting me, it means a lot to me. So what are your plans now?”
“I don’t know, I can’t decide,” Cassie answered feeling sad at the thought of leaving her father.
“But you should always know that I’m here for you no matter what happens,”
They arrived and walked inside together hand in hand Mike went to them.
“Wow you look so cute together, is he your boyfriend?” he asked curiously.
“Yeah,” she was blushing.
“So where are your parents today?”
“They are busy,” she remembered that she could be in one hell of a trouble when she gets home, but she didn’t let it get to her; she’ll deal with it when it happens.
“You should remind your Dad to come and sign the House of Dereon contract,” he took her to where she was going to do her shoot at and they began. Devon was waiting for her in the waiting area.
A long while later she came back with Mike. He was complementing her about how great she was and how much the team loved her. She grabbed her stuff and left.
“See you next week,” Mike said as she and Devon walked out.
On the way out Devon had his arms around her hips, as they went closer to the parking lot she was surprised to see her dad’s car arriving. She quickly removed his arms but it was too late, he had already seen them and he looked very cross.
“Cassie get in the car!” he pointed at his car.
“But Dad…”
“No buts Cassie, get in the car!” she rushed into the car.
“You stay as far away as possible from my daughter, do you hear me?”
“Yes sir,” he said and went to his car.
“You had no right to say that to him, get it into your head he is my boyfriend!” she yelled.
“And you’re my sixteen year old daughter,”
“Wow, I’m surprised that you still remember my age,”
“What do you mean?”
“Never mind,”
“You are going to stay with my sister in the Southern Suburbs,”
“No I’m not,” she looked totally surprised.
“It’s not open for discussion. I’m going away and for the whole month so you don’t have a choice,”
“So why do I have to go tonight?” but her father said nothing and it was like that until they got home. Mel was studying in the lounge and her mom preparing supper. Cassie and her father entered the house through the kitchen door.
“Hey honey,” he went to kiss his wife on the cheek. Cassie rushed to the lounge she couldn’t get to Melody.
“You told him, didn’t you?”
“So what if I did. I told him the truth, didn’t I?” she was so calm meanwhile Cassie was so mad. “You see Cassie, I won’t rest until you’re gone because you are invading my space,” she finally confessed.
“Ha ha! You have got to be kidding me. Hello… this is my home in case you forgot, the room you’re sleeping in is mine. Do you hear that? Mine!”
“You bastard, why don’t you just go to your mom in Johannesburg and leave us in peace?” she stood up and went to stand right in front of Cassie.
“Don’t you ever call me that again Melody,”
“Or what?” Cassie said nothing she just smiled and walked towards the door.
“I didn’t think so Cassie you know why, because you are a coward!” she was trying to get Cassie angry.
Cassie was short tempered and she could do anything when she’s angry. But this time, she swallowed her pride and continued walking away. Just as she was about to leave the room, Mel screamed. Their parents ran into the lounge.
Let’s chat: What do you think will happen next?