“Working as one unit isn’t very difficult, all you have to do is cast spells through rhyming. But before we begin you have to be in your war attire. It can only be conjured up if you truly believe we are unified. All you have to do is hold hands and let your magical energy flow into each other.”
“That seems impossible to do, only true magical beings can do it,” we all I said in unison, and laughed at each other for saying that long sentence at the same time. Only people who think alike can do such a thing.
“You’re already saying things in unison, how hard can it be?” Elmer asked, and in response to his question the four of us held hands and focused on each other. Our magic began to flow, our chests began to glow and we transformed into our war attire.
“Wow, we look amazing!” we exclaimed.
Zanele and I were dressed in our own unique outfit; traditional African attire, leopard skin from neck to knees, a sash made of cowrie shells, bare-footed and definitely no cosmetics whatsoever. Lewis was dressed like the ancient British; a suit made of flexible cotton, flat shoes for easy movement and a hat to complement his outfit. On the other hand, Norimitsu was dressed like the ancient Japanese; a long pink kimono, flat shoes and lots of makeup on her face.
“You guys look stunning,” Elmer said.
Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared and out of it came Linda. Lidia and Zack, they all were dressed in black gloomy clothes, which sent one message to us: pure evil.
“Attack!” we yelled and the battle began.
Zack, Linda and Lidia held hands and began to chant, “We call upon evil to do our bidding, destroy them all, and we’re not kidding!” they yelled this about three times. Then black magic sparks came zooming towards us, but we dodged them and they hit the wall behind us and they exploded.
Norimitsu’s face turned red; a sign that she was angry. She looked at us and asked us to perform the vanquishing spell she wrote on a piece of paper. She looked at it and it began to float so that we could all read it.
We held hands and started to levitate and read the spell aloud.
“Forces of technology heed our call, wipe out the evil and hack it, make it crooked and destroy it, come on now, regenerate and destroy it to a point it cannot regenerate, we cast a hex!” we read.
A wave of light came from us and hit the dark tech-mages hard. They disappeared like water on a hot surface.
“Yes! We did it!” Zanele yelled. Then Elmer came out from hiding under the bench and we all celebrated, but the place was a mess so we cleaned it up with magic. I looked at the watch and it was 9 PM.
“Don’t worry about your parents grounding you,” Elmer said.
“When you go into the magic realm, time stops in the real world, it will be like you never even left.”
“Cool,” we replied.
And after that we transformed back into our Mackintosh High School uniforms and magically transported ourselves back to the real world.
We held hands and said, “We’re neither in Rome, Nome, Siam, or Gone, so now would be a good time to send us home.” And with that said we were zapped into the real world, while Elmer remained, waving at us as we were zapped away.
That day I felt so free. Lying on my bed knowing that I had more adventures to come and I knew for sure that I had power and I could do anything.
Tell us: What are your overall thoughts about the story?