“Hey,” they said while giggling.

“We are so glad you made it here,” Norimitsu and Zanele said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

“Lewis, explain,” Norimitsu said, and judging from the tone of her voice, she was excited. We all walked and sat on a blue bench next to some huge red super computer, and then Lewis began to speak while looking at me.

“We are tech-magical creatures or tech-mages, and whether you like it or not, you’re one of us. Nori sees auras and when she first saw you, she saw a magical aura, so she knew you were our third member. There were only the two of us and we needed a third member to fulfill the prophecy given to us by the ancient tech-mages, so we could defeat the dark tech-mages; those three pupils that didn’t cheer for you when you sung in class.

The boy’s name is Zack, and those two girls are Linda and Lidia. I know this is a lot to handle but, please join us,” he explained. He was very serious when he said this.

“Prophecy? What prophecy?” I said. And without saying a word Norimitsu and Lewis, stood up, and grabbed both of my hands and took me to the centre of the room and opened a big brown book. Judging by the dust on the pages it was really old. Norimitsu and Lewis held hands and chanted words.

“Ancient book, from the tech-mages of old, show us the prophecy, now be bold, remove all the errors from our mind, as we introduce a member of our kind!”
Suddenly, the book floated and opened itself on the first page, and it read:
Two tech-mages will save us all,
Only if they answer their call,
And as for the evil it will be defeated for all the ages.
But they need a helping hand, the powerful cyber-mage to help them,
To be a member of their powerful trio,
But they must learn to work as one.
And once all is said and done they will rejoice and have fun.
By the power of three so let it be.

After we all read the book, it closed and zoomed away onto a bookshelf. Then everyone looked at me with pleading looks on their faces.

“Please join us,” Zanele said.

“You are the missing cyber-mage we need. A cyber-mage is like a tech-mage but more powerful. A tech-mage only controls technology but cyber-mages control technology and the internet in all its forms. Please join us so we can defeat the dark tech-mages, please Kay, we need you.”

I could tell they needed me and I was their only hope.

“Yes, I will join you. Now let’s beat up some bad guys,” I said. Everyone began jumping in joy.

“Not so fast,” Elmer said.

“The ancient prophecy said, “But they must learn to work as one” and as your guardian, it is my duty to teach you how to work as one big unit.”

At that point, I could tell that we were going to start using magic. Before I could finish thinking about it, Elmer cleared his throat.


Tell us: Kay is joining the crew, what do you anticipate about this partnership?