I still remember the vows she made on our first date, she said that she would love me until the end of time, that nothing will ever eradicate her love for me, inside her heart and that I meant the world to her. I believed every word she uttered in my ears, I trusted her with my whole life and I never gave her doubt nor questioned her love, it felt so good to be loved unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

Our love was unbreakable and I was enchanted by her beauty, Basetsana was her birth name. She grew up and spent most of her life in Tlokweng, a place outside Rustenburg, maybe about 78 kilometres away from the city. I was doing matric when our love started to thrive, to catch fire, everything was happening so fast. They say that the fastest way to kill a person other than a bullet is love. I couldn’t go a day without thinking about her, she was my soulmate. The only problem that we encountered was distance, it kept her away from me but when two hearts are closely knit together, bounded by the chains of love, distance means nothing.

As time went by, I lost my phone and it took my folks eight months for them to buy me another smart phone from Pep store, all those months I couldn’t communicate with the love of my life. I lost her phone numbers too and it pained me every night. I couldn’t eat for days because I missed her every second of my time. One day I decided to go to Rustenburg and apply at Unisa, so that I can further my education. So I went to Rustenburg and everything went according to plan. When I was done applying at Unisa, I decided to go and have a drink at the nearest restaurant, when I got there I couldn’t believe my eyes.

There was Basetsana having the time of her life with another man, she did not notice my presence in that restaurant so I quickly went out, within few seconds, Basetsana was drowning into his lips and my heart was covered with a blanket of pain, hatred and agony. I went back home with a broken heart and I asked myself why is this happening to me, what happened to the vows she made on our first date?

Few weeks later, time healed my heart. I regained my strength, and I allowed the patience to speak, to heal my miserable soul. One day as I was watching Skeem Sam on SABC 1, I received a message of invitation from the institution of Unisa, that I was accepted to study Soil Sciences. I was happy to explore a new world and different faces. I had to relocate from Mooinooi to Rustenburg so that I can be closer to the institution. I had to take care of myself. At university there is no parental guidance, no bells like high school. I had to be my own time keeper.

Tell us: Do you think everything will work out for him?