Cleo was excited and pleased when he found their home. He saw how Justin cared for his wife and he got worried about Adelaide not telling him the truth about the miscarriage.

“Brother, I have to tell you something,” he said anxiously.

Justin looked at him worried. He could see that something was wrong.

“Go ahead,” he said, expecting some disappointment.

“Adelaide lost her baby,” Cleo cleared his throat.

Justin looked at him in shock trying to digest what he just heard. He stood up furiously, walked to the wall and hit it hard with his fist. Cleo jumped up and tried to calm him, but Justin cried silently. He understood now why Adelaide was sensitive to the issue of baby making. He was hurt because he didn’t understand why she couldn’t trust him to tell him about the baby.

“You need to keep calm. Stop asking why she didn’t tell you or how? She needs you to comfort her and support her,” Cleo rubbed his shoulder roughly and Justin agreed. He still wanted a future with Adelaide, his wife.

The next day Justin and Cleo travelled to Waterfalls where Jacqueline was staying. They hoped to find them both. In a small town, about an hour away, they searched for the street and number of the house. Cleo saw the number on the gate written in black. The yard was covered with an electric fence.

“We are here Cleo,” Justin sighed. But Cleo was miles away checking to see a glimpse of them from outside. Justin walked out of the door and went to the side where Cleo sat.

“I will go and check if it’s the right place,” he said nervously. Cleo vanished inside the car and he stood at the gate. Justin ran towards him.

“Dude you can’t… Okay… Let’s go, but you can’t appear to them yet. You have to let me check then I will call you.”

Justin stepped slowly browsing around to check if there was a dog. He heard a baby crying inside and knocked twice. A big giant man appears on the door. The man had big muscles and he looked like a fighter. If he was the one who killed Cleo with his own hands then he could kill Justin too.

“What can I do for you?” his voice sounded hoarse like a bossy man. The man looked at him with a serious expression. Justin decided to stand his ground.

“I… Am looking for Jack and Jacqueline Dandaro,” he shivered. Jack looked at him vigilantly and allowed him to enter. Justin walked inside the house slowly, his heart racing.

“What do you want?” Jack asked loudly. A woman entered, holding a baby in her arms. Justin sat down on the closest chair. Jack talked using signs.

“It’s about Cleo,” Justin finally said and Cleo appeared from the wall.

Jacqueline screamed and nearly dropped the baby. Luckily Jack was close to catch him. Justin didn’t expect this so he quickly races out the house leaving them behind. Cleo gives out his demands, either they give a decent funeral or he torments them. Jack agreed to give him an honourable funeral.

Justin returns home smiling and finds his wife in the garden. He shows her more compassion and Adelaide loves the new him.


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