Nolwazi responded by touching Dan’s cheek, and her hands were very soft. Back when they were children, their hands were always covered in calluses and scrapes, but now they both had soft hands because they lived easy lives, quiet lives. Her nails were smoothly trimmed as well, but Dan pushed her hand away. Unlike Jefferson, she did not resist.
“You say you’re not in love with me anymore,” Nolwazi said. “But I do not believe you.”
“You did not even know I loved you until yesterday,” Dan responded.
“No, but I felt that you might love me someday,” Nolwazi said. “I’m very happy, Daniel.”
“Well, I’m glad that you are happy,” Dan responded.
“We should be happy together,” Nolwazi said. Her smile was warm, very warm, and she sat down at her dressing table. “I have good news. Jefferson did not only visit you last night.”
“No?” Dan asked.
“He came to me, here at my place, which he does not do very often anymore,” Nolwazi responded. “He told me he was very sorry for our troubles, and that he would forgive you for everything if I asked him, because of his love for the both of us.”
“I don’t need his forgiveness,” Dan said, and his throat seemed to throb as he spoke.
“I’m glad of that, then,” Nolwazi said, smiling apologetically. “Because I fear I may have misspoken …”
“What?” Dan asked.
“I said that I appreciated his sorrow on my behalf, and that I, myself, would forgive you if you only loved me again, court me the way you intended to, and put this behind us,” Nolwazi said, then she shrugged. “And you know he’s very insistent that I get what I want … He said that, if you will court me, he will be pleased with you. But if you leave me, then he will be very angry.”
“Is that so?” Dan asked, smiling.
“I do hope you will not cause him to be angry, Daniel,” Nolwazi responded. “He does such dreadful things.”
“You just … misspoke?” Dan asked.
“Yes, and I am very sorry, I hope you will forgive me,” Nolwazi responded.
“Well,” Dan said. “I hope you will forgive me too, because I have no intention of courting you.”
Nolwazi gasped in response.
Dan touched the back of her chair, meeting her eyes in the mirror. “I had thought we might make things better today, but you’ve changed too greatly,” he said. “I had thought we might at least remain friends. But now, I think perhaps not.”
Nolwazi stood, and spoke in a level voice. “You have bruises on your neck,” she said.
“I do, don’t I?” Dan responded.
“I thought the man I loved was not a fool,” Nolwazi said.
“Yet I keep losing my clothes,” Dan responded. “And now, I’ve lost my love too. Well, these things happen sometimes, and I’m sure my brother will at least not scold me for this loss.”
After speaking, Dan left Nolwazi’s place. He had expected that, as he left her place, something dire would happen. Either a fire would break out, or he would be attacked from behind with a noose, or at the very least he would hear that voice again. But nothing happened. Nothing at all. When he got home that night, his clothes were still missing. He told his brother, and Simon leant him some outfits for the next few days, and took him shopping the next day. But, even though Dan felt half paranoid about putting his new clothes away in their drawers, those ones did not disappear.
Dan did not go to see Nolwazi all week. It felt odd. A part of his normal cycle had been erased, no matter how recently it had been established. He did not hear voices, nor did he see shadows in odd places, but he was a bit on edge. When Simon asked him to go to the hotel with him that Friday, he of course refused.
“Really? But you’ve enjoyed our time there so much lately,” Simon asked.
“That, as you know, was because of Nolwazi,” Dan responded. “I’ve broken things with her now, and I do not wish to see her outside of working hours.”
“Very well,” Simon said. “It was a good choice, that one, a mature decision. But you will miss an excellent selection of wine and cheese, I must warn you of that.”
“It’s too bad,” Dan responded. “But I fear I must stay far away from the gala evenings for the time being.”
“As you wish,” Simon responded.
Dan stayed home that night, which was an even greater irregularity. But, when he woke the next morning, he heard Simon had never returned.
Tell us: What do you think might have happened to Simon?