Have a deadline

It is very important to have a due date for everything, whether be it a goal, a dream, or a desire. It can be a week, a month, or even a year from today; just have a due date, it helps you avoid procrastinating.

Procrastination is the lack of inspiration it kills dreams and in order to be able to avoid it, it will be wise to write down your goals and dreams. It forces you to visualize your goals and help you stay put. The act of writing them down creates a commitment on your part. This art has been passed down from generation to generations. Self-improved and personal development gurus have made this the ore to other progress strategies. Confession is also vital. The power of the tongue is key in living in your vision and reading your statement aloud, twice daily, is very important too.

When you are not triggered to get what you desire in life you keep postponing. It is usually caused by fear of the unknown. When you do not know what is on the other side you tremble in terror because you weren’t clear with what you really desire. Fear will lead you to the pits of hell. So have a clear conscious on what you want, have deadlines as guidelines and it helps to keep you on your toes. Show your faith through your actions. Your works are the evidence of the word you heard.

It is written that you should be the doers, not only the hearers of the word. Action speaks louder than words and of course there’s a difference between motion and action. How you do a thing is how you will do everything. The mind is what’s in charge of the functions of the body and the body receives what the mind believes. The mind carries out the message to the rest of the body to function. Since your senses rely on your mind for confirmation, whatever your mind ponders upon will come to being.

The act comes naturally when you are driven and doers make no excuses. They know that tiredness is a state of mind and they never stop, they’re always motivated to do. Action is a result of a thought. Your moves are determined by what your mind ponders upon when you are alone. When you hear and do, then you’re deceiving yourself. Therefore, stand the test of time, consistency is a law of a deep and lasting impression.

Always keep the bigger picture in mind, it is definitely your ultimate dream or desire. The picture is only known to you so do not worry about what is being said about it. Some people will obviously see it differently, maybe because they’re too far or way too close. “If they talking then they’re watching,” – Rouge. It only means focus on job at hand and know that you had a purpose way before their opinions about who you are. So keep your eyes on the bigger picture regardless of the circumstances.

When you use your time and energy to better yourself in life, it poses treat to those who don’t really understand you. The greater your critics, the greater the peace. When you are driven you are bound to be called all sorts of things. Not because there is anything wrong with you, it’s just meant to strengthen you because distractions are there to help deepen your roots. Know you are doing something right when you’re getting hate. People will always have something to say whether you’re winning or losing. Keep your eyes fixed on the bigger picture and remember that change is the only thing that is constant.


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