The music was blaring and everyone danced to hip-hop. Simba sat sipping his cider, feeling the sore, cold taste it had. A sexy lady sat opposite him. She wore the shortest dress he had ever seen. She stroked his groin and he smiled but pretended not to see her.
“What are you drinking?” Her voice made him feel warmer, his blood rushed faster.
But he couldn’t speak and just lifted up his bottle.
“I hope I am not interrupting,” she said, putting her hand between his legs. He felt like he was electrocuted. He wanted her to go further and dig deeper.
“Waiter, give me a cider,” she called out slowly.
“I need the bathroom.”
He pushed her aside and she grabbed him by the zip of his trousers. He wanted to disappear, his feelings were going further, and he couldn’t handle it.
“Wait for me,” she whispered.
He stood still not knowing what to do. She got the cider, drank all of it and led him by the hand to the bathroom. She pushed him against the wall and kissed him.
“Can’t we take it somewhere else?” he asked softly, and they left for his place as fast as they could. They continued where they had left off.
After a long night, Simba woke up and found the lady was gone but there was noise in the bathroom. The water was running, he thought it would spill on the floor, but when he went in, he found the woman bathing. He panicked: he thought he saw a fish tail! He rubbed his eyes twice and then saw her legs. Maybe I’m just drunk, he thought to himself.
“I have to rush,” she said, and dressed quickly with water still on her body.
She kissed him and picked up her bag. A smell of roast fish wafted through his room. Simba loved the smell, it made him hungry, but the woman sniffed, pushed him aside harshly and screamed like a siren. She ran as fast as a cheetah.
“Hey, wait, I want to know your name!” he said loudly but she had already disappeared in the breeze.
She left the door open and he checked if she was nearby but the street was empty. Only the trees and grass moved in the wind. He sighed, closed the door and threw himself onto the bed with excitement in his body. This was a night to remember but he felt bad about having sex with a stranger on the first day.
Tariro sat in her room, smiling that she was gaining more power in the marine. She grew richer each day and she loved having more authority, especially on earth. Every time she had sex with a man, her benefits increased (money and other riches). But the man would be bound to her as a slave. She put a curse on the man: he would never marry. That man would never succeed in anything in life.
The wall opened up and a god appeared to her with two maids. The god was a middle-aged mermaid: she had a gold crown and wore a red cloth that covered her breasts. Her hair glowed like a diamond. She had a green fish tail, unlike others, who have a blue tail, the colour the water. Green was the color of the nature in the water, which they respected.
“Tari, you need to visit our world,” the god said. Tariro went down on one knee. Her face turned to the ground as she listened to the orders.
“That last man you had sex with will be a problem. If you don’t concentrate, you will destroy our world,” the god said. Then she disappeared into thin air. A mist flew into Tariro’s room like dust finding a resting place. She stood up stubbornly because she knew she was more powerful than anything. Why didn’t the god trust her? She wasn’t worried but annoyed. She looked at her beautiful body in the mirror. She adored it and she grinned devilishly.
“This will make men crazy, I know how to tame them,” she said to her reflection, blinking her eyes.
She had to visit her world. Maybe there she would find answers to what the god was against.
Tariro was an orphan whom her uncle abused. Every day she would go by the river crying. She hated her family because they never believed her uncle would rape her daily at her age of 12. The god saw her and felt pity for her, and led her to her world. She changed her into a mermaid. Tari was much cleverer than other children her age. She was trained to tame men for six years. She passed the tests and was brought back to the world on earth. Since that time she had bought a house, a car, and everything she needed, but to stay in power, she had to curse the men.
She wanted a partner to enjoy her riches with even though the god disapproved of it. Simba was her candidate and she was going to make sure her wish came true. Simba was different from all the men she met. There was something that she liked about him. He was an easy target and he loved skirts.
Tell us: What do you think of Simba’s new ‘girl’?