“Where have you been? I have been sick and worried. You didn’t sleep at home. Ayanda your father has gone to look for you. Do you how many people get murdered!” Ruth cried, hugging him tightly. Ayanda pushed her away gently after a minute. He didn’t like to be treated like a child.

Ruth was grateful to see her son back home. She thought something happened to him and when he didn’t reply her messages, she got a bad feeling. The world was not a safe anymore; people died every hour.

“Ma, I am fine,” he said wiping tears from her face and kissing her cheek. He walked to his bedroom to prepare for school. Ruth called her husband to call off the search party. Michael wasn’t pleased but expected to hear all the details of his son’s whereabouts. He got angry with his son for being private but was also happy he was back home.

Ayanda was sleeping when his father woke him up. He struggled to open his eyes. He saw Michael sitting on his bed holding a big thick stick. He sat upright and wiped his eyes.

“Your mother got worried when you didn’t return home early. Where were you?” he asked gently but Ayanda was tired, yawning and not even concerned.

“Ayanda!” Michael shouted and made him wake up. Michael was furious and exhausted but concerned about his son.

“I was with the man from next door,” he answered quickly. Ayanda told his father about Godfrey. His father’s mouth opened slightly and then he frowned. He stood up, faced the other side of the room for a short time and then faced Ayanda again.

“How? Who is he? When did he arrive?” he showered Ayanda with questions at once. Ayanda arose to his feet and walked to his father.

“He has always been here, Dad. He makes changes to the paint every month. He painted his house because he love colours,” Ayanda said gently. His father sat down and listened to Ayanda talking about Godfrey.

“I’d like you to invite him for dinner today. Will you invite him?” Michael asked and walked to the door. Ayanda nodded.

“Enjoy your sleep”.

He closed the door and Ayanda yawned, threw himself on bed, and went back to sleep.

The weather was warm and Ayanda had slept for two hours. If he didn’t sweat he would spend the whole day sleeping. He bathed and read some information on a website about aliens. He couldn’t peel his face from the screen, wanting to read more, but he had to invite Godfrey for dinner. A bang on his door alarmed him. He didn’t answer because he was frightened. His mother walked in.

“Oh it’s you,” he said closing his laptop slightly and sitting upright.

Ruth smiled, “Godfrey is here.”

The news surprised him but he quickly grabbed his shoes and raced out. Ruth shook her head and followed him. Ayanda found Godfrey and Michael cosy and laughing like old buddies.

“Sir… good morning,” he said shyly and sat down on the opposite side of the room. He looked at Godfrey while Michael did the same. Godfrey cleared his throat. Michael could sense his son being connected with a stranger. He had never felt that with him and it saddened him.

“Ayanda, I just want to thank you. For twenty years of my life, I only lived at night. I loved being lonely because I had no one. I have experienced the day, it’s good. I missed being with people,” he said sadly.

Ayanda saw his teary eyes and he got up and rubbed his shoulder. Michael looked at them sympathetically. He nodded his head and looked at the ground to control himself. He was so emotional he could cry but he adored Ayanda’s gift of changing people feelings. Ayanda was everyone’s person.

“Dad are you OK?” Ayanda asked when he saw how sad his father was. He sat between Godfrey and his father with one hand on the left and other on the right. Michael nodded quietly. Michael was relieved when he felt his son’s hand. He never had time with his son and all he did was scold Ayanda.

“Where is your family?” Michael asked to close the emotional moment in his body. He felt like wailing.

“I don’t have a family,” Godfrey replied sadly.

Ayanda rubbed his shoulder.

“Now we are your family,” he said. Godfrey covered his eyes with both his hands and took a deep breath.

“You are a good boy. Michael you raised a good man. Thank you,” Godfrey said and stood up and walked to the door.

“Be free to visit again, you are always welcome here,“ said Michael.

Since that day, Godfrey came for dinners but unfortunately, his time on earth with Ayanda’s family was cut short. He died soon after and Michael and his family buried him. After that, Michael gave his time for his son and he enjoyed every moment. He learnt a lot about Ayanda that he hadn’t known before.

Ayanda inherited Godfrey’s house and every month he would paint it different colour.


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