King Hintsa and crew advance out into the open of the battlefield and wait for reinforcements to arrive. Unbeknown to them that they are lured into a trap when suddenly the armies of Fries emerge out of the woods and surround them. Fries’ army had been secretly concealed inside the trees of the north forest when a signal horn from General Bread summoned them β€” Fries had modified the trees for this purpose. At this point King Hintsa realises that he has made an error in judgement, he has been sold deceit to his detriment by the enemy and the power of the weapons has clouded his mind.

King Vecarro takes command of the situation and instructs them to spread out in a circle to avoid being cramped for space and form a shield wall. The army they are fighting is well disciplined and provisioned, devoid of any emotions and ruthless in their attack. It descends on them with full might, overwhelming them.

King Hintsa could only deal with the enemy in his view, to unleash a full blown blast would result in many casualties including his own men, his intention is not to destroy but to subdue the enemy, this prompts him to exercise restraint in his attack. The shield wall is getting enclosed and they are cramped for space to move. By fortune the armies of the two kings arrive in the nick of time on the east hills of Castle Wheat. Emperor Ice Cream on a chariot holding firm a sword made of gold, its edges covered in pure silver led the charge. They descend on them with incredible velocity and force laying waste to half the enemy’s army. The advent of the armies of the kings snatch King Hintsa and company from the jaws of death.

The enemy regroup outside the walls of Castle Wheat. King Hintsa fires a thunderous blast at the gates of the wall. The blast in its wake dismantles the army of Fries and destroys the gates. This triggers Fries to send forth the full string of his army, they trickle out the gates and join the rest of the army. Fries sends his minions General Bread, Two Slice and Instant Yeast to lead his army in battle with explicit orders to decimate the enemy at all cost.

General Bread with his control of the weather summons a misty fog that cloaks their army from view by the opposition. King Vecarro alarmed by their plot orders his archers to fire an array of arrows at the fog.

A giant of 1000 feet tall emerges out of the fog, this was Instant Yeast and he presses a charge intending to attack. King Hintsa flies to him and uses the shield of courage against Instant Yeast. The degree of the impact throws Instant Yeast off his feet to a mountain that disintegrates on impact. There are loud cheers from the armies of the two kings. The uproar annoys and enrages Instant Yeast who resurfaces from the rubble with a malevolent intense frown on his face poised at the armies. He proceeds to pick up big rocks from the rubble and throw them at the armies.

A big rock is headed straight to Princess Damas. King Hintsa, with the speed of light, rushes to her aid and covers her under the shield. Instant Yeast with a powerful fist strikes the ground so hard that it trembles and cracks open, swallowing a proportional number of members of the army of Ice. King Hintsa fire a fireball which proves ineffective. He fires thunderbolts but they too are futile. King Hintsa decides to harness both thunder and fire and fires an incendiary electric blast straight at the head of Instant Yeast and knocks him out.

The defeat of Instant Yeast neutralises the enemy’s imminent attack, it compromises their staunch courage and demoralises their spirit. Fries is scouting the battle high up in a tower in Castle Wheat. He observes that King Hintsa launched effective attacks at a long range distance without compromising the safety of his own men, that a close range battle would nullify this. Fries is disgusted at the thought that love made King Hintsa weak decides to exploit this. With one coherent leap Fries jumps and lands in close range at the battlefield, this rejuvenates his army whom he commands to unleash an onslaught.


Tell us: Do you think love makes us weak?