Tatenda and Tino were making mud dough. They looked at their grandparents entering the gate.
“Good afternoon Granny and Grandpa,” they both said.
Charmaine raced inside the house without responding. Wilson looked at his grand-children.
He didn’t know how to explain what had happened to their mother. He knelt down and called them closer.
“Your mother is in hospital. She will be fine,” he said sadly.
“If she is going to be fine, why are you sad Grandpa?” Tatenda asked.
Tino began to cry and Wilson comforted her. Tino was always sensitive. They are too young to understand life, Wilson thought. Wilson knew it was not good to tell them that their mother committed suicide. He’d rather find something positive to tell them.
“I promise she will be home soon,” he said.
“Did you eat? Let’s go and make you some food then you bath,” he said as he stood up.
Wilson spread butter and peanut butter on the bread and gave it to them. They hadn’t eaten since they woke up, no one prepared food for them; Vivian always did.
“Wilson, why are you feeding these monkeys? You have a soft heart. They need tough love,” Charmaine shouted and walked out.
The children carried their plates to eat in their bedroom. Wilson motioned to them to sit there with him. After they ate, he asked Tatenda to wash their plates then go and bath. They were just still small, one day they would understand.
After 3 days Vivian was discharged. No one came to pick her up. The doctor felt pity when she said she didn’t have any money to return home and gave her a dollar and a prescription to buy medication.
She grabbed a bus back home. She saw vendors selling roast mealie meal and bought it with the other 50 cents left. She ate fast because she was feeling hungry. As soon she came closer, she stood up and pressed the button for a bus to stop. She dropped out with a few people.
She walked back home. It must be around 5, she saw the sun setting. Tatenda ran after seeing her mother at the gate. Tinotenda followed her sister and hugged Vivian.
“Mama,” Tatenda shouted.
“How are you? I hope you looked after each other,” she smiled.
“We did Mama,” Tatenda answered.
The children held their mother as they entered the house. Charmaine was in the kitchen frying meat. She was shocked to see Vivian. Susan sat on the chair with her legs on the table. Wilson walked in.
“My child, are you OK?” he asked.
“Yes I am fine baba,” Vivian answered quietly.
Vivian went straight to her bedroom with her daughters. Charmaine and Susan laughed, Wilson stared at them.
“Susan don’t you have manners?” He shouted.
“What did I do Baba?” she asked standing up.
“Wilson, leave her alone or else,” Charmaine hissed.
Wilson walked outside. The warmth of the house felt like torture. Charmaine whispered and copied what Wilson did. Susan laughed loudly. Charmaine prepared dinner and Susan sat with earphones in her ears typing on her smartphone.
Charmaine dished little food and gave it to Susan to give to her sister. Susan put the plate on the floor near the bed where Vivian sat with her daughters.
“Your supper,” she chuckled.
Vivian gave the plate to her children.
“What about you Mama?” Tatenda asked.
“I am not hungry. Eat so you can grow up to be big and strong,” she answered hiding tears in her eyes.
After eating, Vivian went to wash her plates. Her stomach started grumbling, she was hungry but the food was enough for her children only. Everything in the house was not good. She wished Charmaine had thrown her away after being born. Maybe a nice family would’ve taken her in and treated her with love.
She sat in the dining room, thinking what else she can do to survive. Tomorrow she will look for piece jobs. There weren’t many but she had to try. She hoped her joy would come in the morning.
Tell us what you think: What would you do if you were Vivian?