Charmaine woke up to get water for her husband. She switched the light on and saw Vivian’s body on the floor. She screamed loudly to wake everyone. It was only 3:45. Wilson heard the scream, woke up quickly and raced to the kitchen. It could be robbers, he thought, he had a sjambok in his hand.

“What is it?” Wilson yawned.

He ran quickly when he saw Vivian, then he screamed. “Call an ambulance.”

Wilson tried to check her pulse, which was weak. He was hurt with how he saw his daughter, dying there. He wished he could help. He didn’t know how to talk to Charmaine who was always bullying him. Wilson hated to talk because no one listened when he did. It was like they all had powers over him. He was like a man without a mouth.

The ambulance came after ten minutes. Susan and Marvellous woke up because of the noisy siren. They didn’t know what was happening and they were in shock.

“What is going on?” Susan asked.

“Your sister has just been taken by an ambulance,” Wilson said and left to his bedroom.

“That girl needs attention. I wish she would just leave,” Charmaine said.

“Where will she go Mama?” Susan asked.

“I don’t know and I don’t care,” she shouted. “Go and sleep,” she walked to her bedroom.

Susan and Marvellous went back and sleep. Tatenda woke up and went back to sleep when she found the empty space on the bed. She thought her mother was in the kitchen.

As soon the sun came up, Wilson bathed and wore his brown trousers and green shirt.

“Baba, where are you off too so early?” Charmaine asked yawning.

“I am going to check on Vivian,” he answered wearing his shoes.

“Let me cook for you,”

“No, I want to be early,” he said and closed the door.

He grabbed his jersey on the coat rack and walked to the bus station. A bus arrived and he went inside the bus after buying his ticket. The bus was slow because it stopped at all the bus stops whether someone was coming in or getting out. He arrived at the hospital and asked if they know which ward she was in.


Wilson walked to the ward, sweating and hoping for the best. A doctor was checking on Vivian.

“Hello, doctor will she be fine?” he asked sadly.

“Yes, she will be. If she didn’t get here early, we would be telling a different story,” he answered.

“What is wrong with Vivian?” he asked.

“We are still doing tests but I think it’s poison,” he answered and left Wilson who looked at Vivian with pity.

She looked pale. Wilson held her hand and tears emerged from his eyes. He was afraid of losing his first daughter.

“Vivian, be well my child. Who will look after your daughters? I wish I could help you,” he cried.

He sat for hours in the ward. He went to buy coffee and some sandwiches which he ate in the waiting area. Charmaine appeared from nowhere. She saw Wilson sitting on the chair.

“Baba, I been waiting for hours… What are you still doing here?” she asked loudly.

“I am here for my daughter,” he answered her, sadly.

“Get up, you can’t be serious,” she pulled him.

The doctor appeared holding papers. Charmaine pretended as if they were holding hands. It was an embarrassment to be dragging your husband in public; people will talk and it will become today’s headlines in the ‘Herald’ paper, she thought.

“She ate rat poison,” the doctor said.

“I told you, she did this to herself,” Charmaine shouted.

“She needs to speak to a psychologist, she needs help,” the doctor continued.

“When can she be discharged?” Wilson asked.

“When she wakes up,” he answered and left.

“Come, let’s go home,” she pulled Wilson harder.

“I will walk Charmaine,” he pulled himself from her.

“What’s so special about Vivian? She got pregnant twice. She must face the consequences,” she shouted.

They walked slowly until they reached the station. They got into a bus back home. They get out of the bus quietly. Charmaine kept speaking badly about Vivian as if she wasn’t her own child. She spoke harshly and evil against Vivian. She wanted her to bring in money than shame.


Tell us: What do you think of how Charmaine is treating her daughter? What can Wilson to help Vivian?