Luthando was a miserable wreck that week. It was like the sun had permanently set in her world. It was worse when the following weak Sfiso showed up at university, but acted as if he didn’t even know Luthando.
The first day Luthando didn’t say anything to him, she had expected him to come to her and explain where he had disappeared to. He hadn’t even greeted her. This went on for a couple of days before it really got to Luthando. At night Luthando ruminated about the matter, she decided that she was going to confront him and find out why he was avoiding her.
“Sfiso, why are you avoiding me, what did I do wrong?” Luthando’s sounded less angry than she really was. Sfiso still did things to her just by being in his presence.
“Lu, please understand we can’t be together for now,” he said casually. “I’ve got things to sort out,” at the words, tears filled Luthando’s eyes immediately.
“Why do you need to sort out something when we just had sex? Was I not good enough?” she questioned trying to keep her voice down. “Please understand I was a virgin, I’ll try better next time. Just please, please don’t dump me. Please,” she begged.
Sfiso just laughed. “Look it’s not you, it’s just me. I’ve got to figure out what I need,” he said without sympathy.
Luthando could not believe he had said that, and had left her standing there. None of what she said even touched a small piece of Sfiso’s heart.
She couldn’t believe how quickly things had changed. She could not believe what was happening was really happening. The biggest problem she had was that she loved Sfiso.
After some days of mopping and feeding off her bitter tears, she realized that Sfiso was a scoundrel and not sweet, as she had thought. But still, the heart always wants what it can’t have, she still wanted to smell his scent, she still wanted to hold him. She still loved him.
Within a very short period of time, Sfiso was dating another hot, rowdy university girl. That broke Luthando’s heart, into pieces that could never come together again. It was obvious she was used. She needed something to rouse her, and only one thing could; Lindo!
She got frightened when she thought of him; the way she treated him. Could he ever forgive her? Luthando asked herself.
June holidays began and Lindo was in Pietermaritzburg. Luthando was at home, thinking, she didn’t even want to go out. Her life was abysmal. She didn’t even feel like talking to anyone. So when her phone rang she didn’t even bother looking at it. Whoever it was could leave a message, she thought.
It was only when it persisted ringing, and annoying her, that she reached for it. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was Lindo.
She half wanted to pick it up and half to cry.
“Hello,” Luthando answered in a low voice. Her heart was thumping, expecting the worst.
“Hey beautiful, how are you,” he said as if everything was perfectly fine, as if nothing happened.
“I’m okay thanks, and you?” Luthando couldn’t even flirt back although she wanted to, her guilty conscious wouldn’t let her.
“I’m okay thanks beautiful. Listen, I’m in town and I was wondering if we could go to Howick this weekend, you know just to catch up?”
“Wow, I’d love that very much, Lindo.”
“Great stuff. I’ll see you then, bye.” Lindo hung up.
It was Monday when Lindo called and they arranged to go to Howick on Saturday. The thought of Howick, with Lindo, was great to Luthand. It took something off her shoulders. It was just what she needed.
During that week, Luthando experiencing some pain. Her heart alone was aching but physically she wasn’t well either. Each time she would go for a pee, a burning sensation would torture her. She was in excreting pain and dreaded each visit to the lavatory. On Friday, she decided to go see a doctor.
Tell us: What do you think is happening with Luthando? If you were Lindo, would you take her back if she asked?