Back Then…
It had been a week since Aubuti R raped Lerato. It all happened in a blink of an eye. She remembered that Aubuti R gave her money every day, not knowing all along that he was counting it as a loan that would soon need to be repaid.

“So what do you say about our little study group? Is it still on?” he asked Lerato on the bus when it was a school outing. Only Lerato was left in the bus as she was conversing with Aubuti R.

“Yes, you can come. But be there early, I don’t want to give MaDlamini, our landlord, any silly ideas,”

Aubuti R came to Lerato’s place at around four p.m., as they had discussed, in his father’s car.

“Knock, knock!”

“But MaDlamini, I told you I’ll bring…” the voice was coming from inside the backroom when Lerato opened the door she was wearing a bra only. “…those things at…” to her surprise, it was Aubuti R at the door.

“Aubuti R?” she exclaimed with disbelief. “I thought you were… Ma…oh my gosh,” she quickly shut the door and ran back inside the two-room house to wear a T-shirt – having noticed that Aubuti R was staring at her breasts, speechlessly.

They practised the Maths questions that gave Lerato hard times. MaDlamini had walked in before and aw that Lerato was with the infamous judge’s son.

“Oh, Lira. I didn’t know you have a visitor. Let me not disturb you,” MaDlamini said.

“No, we are almost done. What do you need?” Lerato asked MaDlamini. She was surprised by MaDlamini’s behaviour and response.

“Ooh, that? It is nothing-” she flicked her hand. “I’ll find it by myself. Like I have said, let me not disturb you further. Have fun, OK?” she winked at Lerato.

What happened next after MaDlamini’s exit left a wound that will never heal in Lerato’s life. Aubuti R kissed Lerato on the neck when she was picking up the books that were splashed on the floor where they were practising. It was 7 p.m.

She had tried to ignore the kiss but Aubuti R kissed her lips.

“What are you doing?” she asked with shock.

“Come on, don’t pretend like you don’t feel the vibe between us. He pulled her down to the floor.

“Excuse me? What vibe are you on about?”

“Come on. I know you want me?”

“I want you? No. Please just leave.”

He pinned her down on the floor and crawled on top of her.

“I know you want me; I have seen it in your eyes. And you confirmed it further when you kept on accepting my money.”

“What the hell?” she screamed with her face turning red. She was angry.

“Get off me,” she tried to shake him off her, but he was just too strong.

“So you are like this when you are angry? Goddamn, you turn me on. Look at you. Your skin is red. Now, it’s time to feel what it feels like to be inside an albino,” he snaked his fingers between her breasts.

“Get off me, please. I won’t tell anyone,” she pleaded but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

After sexually assaulting her, he stood up, unrolled some toilet paper and wiped off the blood on her thighs.

“You were hella amazing, baby. Wake up and start washing,” he smiled and off he went.

Thirty minutes after Aubuti R left, she stood up painfully and plugged the kettle so she could bath. After she finished taking a bath, she went to sleep.

She woke up the next day at 12 p.m. She had found it hard sleeping, she had flashbacks of what had happened earlier. She decided to tidy up the place. While sweeping, she found a book on the floor. He must have left it here last night, she thought. She picked it up. It was written ‘Revenge is the dish best served cold’ by Motebang Disene. She was planning to read the book but was distracted by school work.

The cover of the book showed the face of a girl with bloody tears. Her hair was a messy bush, her mouth covered by a man’s palm from behind. She felt like the picture resembled her.

She tossed the broom away and sat down on the bed and started reading the book.


Tell us: What should Lerato do?